Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holding Hands

I win!!!

I guess I actually should have posted this on November 25th when I reached my 50,000 word mark...but I really didn't feel like typing anymore. Lol!

I finished my novel...sort of. The story is finished, but the novel itself is far from being done. There is a TON of editing ahead for me at this point before it will be finished.

All I've done with it so far is a spell check. I want to change certain parts of it, but its hard for me to do because right now there is NO ONE I can go to for advice. I don't want to ruin the story for anyone by telling them any key plot points, but I feel like I may need help to change things the way I want to.

I am going to email the story to my mom to read and spell check and possibly Andrea if she feels up to it? Everyone else I fear may have to wait a few more months before they get to read it.

Keep in mind please don't want to read it yet lol. It is awkward and it is terrible. It definitely is not at the point where anyone can read it and enjoy it.

What is exciting though: because I won, I am going to get a free copy of my book in paperback version. I have to submit it to the website by July 1st, I can create my own cover for it and everything. Also! It will be available for other people to purchase! I don't know how much it will cost and I'm pretty sure that I won't get any money from that lol. So, at that point, if you want to read it, I'll just send you the file. If you love it, you can buy a copy I guess.

That's it for now I guess.

Oh! The story is called Holding Hands :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Only 11 More Days!

I can't believe it's already the 19th! It's gone by so fast. I feel pretty good about my novel right now. I'm actually 1201 words ahead right now...which is good because I have to work the next three days. I want to try and stay a little bit ahead for the next week and hopefully have the whole 50000 written by the end of the 29th.

I've really enjoyed writing this novel so far. I think it might be a little while before it's ready for anyone to read it though. It will probably take me as long to edit it as it has to write it. That doesn't mean that it's going to take me a month though - I don't plan to spend two hours a day editing!

My characters had a bit of an unexpected crisis happen today - I just decided it was going to happen one scene before it did! They'll make it through though. I left off writing for the day at the beginning of the scene. I find it's easier to sit down and write if I already know what is about to happen, if I'm in the middle of something. It will pretty much give me enough words to fill up my count for tomorrow and maybe saturday as well.

After that, there isn't much more until it's finished! I have 32874 words right now. That's the most I've ever written of one thing! It's almost 11000 more words than I wrote of my novel last year. I am so determined to finish it this year! I only have 17126 words left to write!

My ending is clear-cut as well. I had the ending of this story planned out before I even started writing. I have reconsidered what I have planned a few times, but I always go back to my original plan - even if I might hate myself for it!

I realize that this post probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I don't want to actually give away any plot points in case any of you actually ever read my novel. I want everything to hit you when you read it, I don't want anyone to know what happens before it does!

Wish me luck with my last 17000 words! It doesn't feel like too much compared to what I've already written...but it does feel like a lot to write in eleven days. :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Love Story

I love the fact that my novel is just a regular fiction love story. No super powers, no mythical creatures, no fantasy at all. It's the first time that I've ever written anything like this before and I'm having so much fun doing it.

It's not the most original of stories. People have been falling in love for thousands of years though, so how original can one love story be? What's so special about my story is that part of it is based loosely on something that actually happened with a certain couple in my family. I can't say anymore without giving the plot away to some people (mom!).

It's something very romantic though. People say that you should write what you know. I've tried before, but never like this. I can write what I know with fantasy, and it's fun because you can make things up that could never exist in real life. Writing a love story is different, because this really could happen in real life. It's a new experience for me, and I think that it shows that I'm growing as a writer.

If there's one thing in life that I know about, it's love.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Ok, so I was totally planning on posting my story as I wrote it. I even started doing that, the first two chapters were posted here.

I'm not doing it anymore

I AM still writing my novel, I've just decided that it's best if no one reads it until it's completed and edited. It is just a first draft and it was putting stress on me to have to worry about it not having an errors.

Therefore, it shall remain private until it is completed.

For now I am doing great. I currently have 5654 words which is actually 2320 words above where I need to be by the end of day two. On average I should be writing 1667 words a day. I am way ahead right now because I wrote 5008 words in the first day. I wanted to hit 7000 words tonight, but I'm not sure if I'm going to.

I don't want to start out too fast and burn out in a few days.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Engaged :)

I'm so happy!

The man that I love finally asked me to marry him. I can't wait to be his wife and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with him.

He asked me on Monday night when we were getting ready for bed. It was so unexpected at the time. I knew that he was going to ask me sometime soon, but I wasn't expecting it right then, and it was perfect. I was brushing my teeth and then came back into the room. Tyler was sitting on the floor looking through a box. All day something had been beeping in that box and it was driving us nuts. I sat down on the bed and asked him if he had found it, he said no.

Then he turned to me and said "You know I love you and I want to spend forever with you, will you marry me?"

The ring that we picked out together is gorgeous, even more beautiful than I thought it would be. I love it and I love him.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Now that I have an idea:

A girl from a wealthy, old-fashioned family is in love with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Eighteen-year old _____ wants nothing more than to marry her high school dropout boyfriend _____. Her parents don’t agree and force the young couple apart.

The pair meet in secret for months planning how to spend their lives together. They are willing to do anything, no matter who it hurts, to be together. When their plan is put into motion the parents have no choice but to let the young couple be together at all costs.

This is just a very basic plot synopsis, I can't say more without giving anything away or until I actually start writing.

Now, I get to do the fun stuff, the names! The names are a more complicated process then you'd think. Name meanings are very important to me and its hard to find names that I like that have the specific meanings that I want.

I want the girl's first name to mean: rich, wealthy, of noble kin etc and the boy's name to mean: poor, worker, maker etc.

I also want their last names to mean love or beloved

So far I have:

Girl's first names:

Diana – Divine
Celia – Heaven
Cordelia – Of unknown meaning
Rosaline – Little rose
Adelaide – Of a noble kin
Mona – Desires, wishes
Alicia – of noble kin
Alice – of noble kin
Daria – Rich
Nadia – Hope
Kimbra - From the royal fortress meadow.
Kimberly – From the wood of the royal forest
Davia – Beloved
Julia – Beloved
Amanda/Manie – Worthy of being loved

Boys names:

Mason – Stone worker
Turner – Lathe worker
Tanner – Leather worker
Walker – Cloth worker
Carter – Cart driver, cart maker

Last names:

Davies – Beloved
Edward – Wealthy guardian, rich or happy
Lovell – Dearly loved
Lowell – Dearly loved
Raman – Beloved, pleasing
Wilmot – Beloved heart


Also, I think I'm going to post what I write each day for anyone who wants to read along while I write. Keep in mind if you do that there is no editing done during November. It will be full of grammar and spelling errors as well as (probably) continuity errors and scenes that will be completely changed or deleted later on. It is by no means a finished product. :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stumped...Nanowrimo again

So, I really want to do Nanowrimo this year and win! I don't even really care if all I write is crap, I just want to get my 50,000 words written in November this year since I gave up last year about halfway through (I wrote just over 22,000 words).

So today I was surfing the nanowrimo website's FAQ section when I noticed that they strongly encourage the writers to use an outline for their novel. So I figured, during October I'll write myself an outline so that I'd be more prepared than I was last year.

The only problem is, I don't know what to write about. This is the worst possible time to get writer's block, I feel like I don't have a creative bone in my body right now. I know that I don't want to write about vampires (tried that last year) and I don't want to try to write my own life story (tried that last year as well). Other than that, I haven't got a clue. I don't even know if I want to write fantasy or real life.

Hopefully something will come to me soon. Otherwise November is going to suck.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Beauty Pageants

I was watching the show Toddlers and Tiaras last night and it got me wondering. Is there any reason for this? Are there any positive effects of pageants for children? While I was doing my research I had a lot of trouble finding any positives effects at all. Here is what I did find:

Pageants can help prepare young girls for real life, they can give them skills that are being forgotten and may never be taught to them otherwise. These girls learn manners, etiquette and grace during the pageant. Poise and grace are things that were important to young women a hundred years ago, but have been all but forgotten now.

On the other hand, one might argue that being in pageants robs these girls of their childhood. Pageants take up a lot of time. There is not only a lot of traveling involved, but a lot of other preparation. These girls must get tans and learn how to dance or sing before they even have a chance of winning. Their talents must be refined before they are able to compete. This causes them to miss out on playing regularly and on just being a kid. Schoolwork may sometimes be neglected in order to prepare for a pageant weekend. Sometimes the pageants may fall on the same days as other events and the child will miss out on that school trip or on their friend's birthday party.

Pageants can raise a child's self confidence. A shy child may open up and feel better about themselves while onstage and getting so much positive attention. It can make children outgoing and give them the independence to do better later life.

Competing to see who is the prettiest can also take a very negative tole on a child. If they don't win and they aren't getting positive attention, their self-esteem will almost certainly be lowered. It can lead to problems later in life. When these girls are teenagers they are going to care way too much about beauty and will judge themselves and their peers solely on their looks. They will think that beauty is everything and that they should use it to get what they want. Teens who were once pageant children may end up with low self-esteem, eating disorders and depression as well as a sense of never being good enough.

It can also lead to children being extremely spoiled. Being given pretty clothes and all kinds of attention can give children a sense of entitlement. Parents may sometimes bribe their kids to do the things that they don't want to, or to get them to perform better, for example "if you win today, I'll buy you that cell phone you wanted," or "if you just practice the routine another half an hour we'll go out for ice cream". Children may begin to realize this and manipulate their parents into giving them whatever they want.

Pageants can be fun for children. If too much stock isn't put into winning, a child can slow down and enjoy what they are doing. They will be happy while performing and improving their skills. It's fun to get dressed up and look nice. They may even be able to make long lasting friendships with other girls in the pageants who know just what their life is like.

While it may be fun for these little girls to play 'dress-up' it is innapropriate for these parents to be oversexualizing their children. These little girls dress, dance and act like adults and it is damaging. It can give a girl a tarnished view of how a child is supposed to look and act. This can also attract pedophiles and cause young girls to have stalkers or to be sexually abused.

The money that is won in pageants can go towards good things. It could be put away for special occasions or saved for college later on. Pageants for older girls usually have scholarships to be won. More focus is put on a platform (a charity or an awareness program that the girl supports) and volunteer work is also an important factor.

The problem is, the younger girls in beauty pageants don't need to worry about community service or charities. Chances are the money being won is going towards paying for the pageants. Pageants are extremely expensive. The dresses can cost thousands of dollars plus traveling costs, makeup, hairpieces, dance/singing lessons and other costs. Often the child's mother doesn't work and devotes her time only to the pageants and running the child's schedule. This can cause parents to be more concerned with their child winning money and can put pressure on the girl.

Finally, pageants effect the whole family. They bring the child and the parents together by giving them something to do with each other. Each pageant can be like a family project or vacation for these children. It means they get to spend a lot of time with their mothers who are often at home with them and not at work.

Pageants can also tear families apart. If there are older sisters or brothers, it could be hard on them to have a sibling who is in pageants. It might make them feel bad about the way that they look. It can also cause them to feel like they aren't as loved by their parents because they don't receive as much attention as the child who is in the pageant. It can cause them to feel ugly or useless compared to their sibling.

In conclusion, pageants do more harm to children than they do good. They do have a few positive effects on a child and a family, but they are heavily outweighed by all of the negative effects. This is not something that I will ever involve my children in and I don't have very much respect for the parents that do.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Mythical Properties of Amethysts according to

According to Greek mythology, Amethyst was a young virgin who became the object of wrath of the Greek God Dionysus after he became intoxicated with red wine. When Amethyst cried out to Goddess Diana for help, she immediately turned the girl into a white, shimmering stone (quartz). When Dionysus realized what had happened and felt remorse for his actions, his tears dripped into his goblet of red wine. The goblet overturned, and the red wine spilled all over the white rock, saturating it until it became the purple quartz that is now known as Amethyst.

The name amethyst derives from the ancient Greek word amethustos, meaning sober. It was said that an amethyst could prevent the bearer from becoming excessively drunk and also instills a sober and serious mind. It was believed that if a person drank from a cup or goblet made entirely of amethyst, he or she would not get drunk at all. In Greek mythology, amethyst was rock crystal dyed purple by the tears of Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry. Ancient Egyptians used the stone as the representative of the zodiac sign of the goat. The goat was considered the enemy of vines and vineyards, and therefore the antidote of wine.

Amethyst has been thought to have many attributes throughout history, and all of them are good. The stone was thought to control evil thoughts, quicken intelligence, make a shrewd man in business, preserve soldiers from battle wounds, aid the warrior to victory, help the hunter in search of his game, protect the wearer from contagious diseases, and put demons to flight if the figure of a bear is inscribed on the jewel. Amethyst was known as a gem that would bring forth the highest, purest aspirations of human kind. Chastity, sobriety, and control over one’s thoughts were all attributes heightened by wearing the stone. The gem would guard against the anger of passion, and the violent or base nature of its wearer. The stone encouraged calm, bravery, and contemplation.

Amethyst has religious connotations, as well. It was one of the twelve stones that adorned the breastplate of the high priest Aaron (Exodus 39). Amethyst later has stood for the tribe of Dan, one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The Apostle Matthias and the Guardian Angel Adnachiel spirit are associated with Amethyst, as well. During the Middle Ages, Amethyst stood for piety and celibacy and was therefore worn by members of the Catholic Church clergy and was used to adorn crosses.

During the Renaissance, Amethyst has stood for humility and modesty. Throughout the ages, powerful and rich monarchs have used Amethyst as a symbol of royalty, and some Amethysts even decorate the British Crown Jewels. Rumor has it that Amethyst was a personal favorite of Queen Catherine the Great of Russia.

Historically, the stone was believed to assist prophecy and visions and to bring riches and powers to its owners. It has always been associated with the civil and religious classes that have ruled human cultures. In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, the amethyst enhances the wealth corner focusing on the giving and receiving of material wealth. At the highest level, amethyst bestows the spiritual understanding required to reach the state of bliss. It is associated with the crown chakra at the top of the head where divine essence enters. It is a good stone to solve discord, suggested for children and warring relatives. In Renaissance magic, an amethyst engraved with the image of a bear was worn as a protective amulet. In Graeco-Roman times, rings of amethyst set in bronze were worn as charms against evil, and magical cups carved from amethyst banished sorrow and evil from all who drank.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Ok, so this is a totally boring news post about my life :)

I started looking at college stuff yesterday. I planned on taking at least a year or two off after high school (I'm going into my second year off now) so I'm not behind in my life plan or anything yet. The problem is, I'm not 100% sure what I want to do yet. My dream job would be to edit books, I'm just not sure how to go about doing that. With the experience I had in high school, I could always go for some sort of pharmacy/veterinary/medical job, but I'm not sure if I want too.

I'm not sure if I should go with something that is a sure thing, something that is more guaranteed to land me a job afterward, or if I should take the leap of faith and try to become a print editor. I'm glad I still have a few months before I really have to worry about it.

On the topic of writing: nanowrimo. I totally failed at it last year due to simply not having enough time to write. I'm definitely going to do it this year, and I AM going to complete it this time. I may or may not post it on here, I'll decide after I start writing in November. I currently have no idea what I'm going to write about. I'm not sure if I'm going to try to come up with something or if I'm just going to wait for November 1st and go for it.

I've been crazy busy with work the last few weeks. I've finally learned how to open and am now getting full time hours. It's exciting, I'm hoping now that I can actually start to save up some money.

Speaking of saving money...Tyler has been saving his pennies for something special that he his hoping to buy after his next paycheck :)

Anyway, that's an update on my exciting life :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009


All You Did Was Save My Life - Our Lady Peace

You, looked at me as you walked in the room
Like the red sea, you split me open
Somehow I knew these wings were stolen
All you did was save my life
Tried to run but I could'nt move
Well I paid for these concrete shoes
Like a singer that sings the blues
You saw hope in the hopeless

I'm not dying
All you did was save my life
Pulled me out of that flat line
Put the heartbeat back inside
I'm not dying
All you did was get me through, I owe every breath to you
Heart and soul unparalyzed, all you did was save my life
Save my life

I'm not for sale but I've been sold
The more I hear the less I know
The lies are swallowed whole
In there insignificance
The story's been told a million times, but it's different when it's your life
I won the lottery tonight, the lottery tonight

I'm not dying
All you did was save my life
Pulled me out of that flat line
Put the heartbeat back inside
I'm not dying
All you did was get me through, I owe every breath to you
Heart and soul unparalyzed, all you did was save my life
Save my life

I started to come around, the dogs are backing down
I'm not afraid to see, the devil's gone underground
This tightropes been cut down, and i can finally breathe
You, looked at me as you walked in the room
Like the red sea you split me open
Somehow I knew these wings were stolen

I'm not dying
All you did was save my life
Pulled me out of that flat line,
put the heartbeat back inside
I'm not dying

All you did was get me through, I owe every breath to you
Heart and soul unparalyzed, all you did was save my life
All you did was save my life
Put the heart beat back inside
All you did was save my life
Put the heart beat back inside
All you did was save my life

I do not understand how people can listen to crappy, meaningless music when there is stuff like this out there. I mean really, why would you want to listen to music if you aren't getting anything out of it? REAL musicians are trying to inspire others, not just make money like the rap and pop stars that are popular these days.

When I listen to music I was something real, something that gives me insight or peace. This song chokes me up every time I hear it, and I'm not going to lie, I can't stop listening to it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When I Grow Up...

Is growing up something that happens gradually or is it something that happens over night? For me, it's been a bit of both. I've always been mature for more age, even more so in the last few years. At 19 I'm much more interested in moving out, getting married and thinking about my future than the average person my age.

My mom is on vacation at her trailer all this week though and suddenly I feel more adult than ever. She's been gone since Friday night and I've already done dishes, cleaned the litter boxes, three loads of laundry! I also made a grocery list, Tyler and I budgeted and everything since we are very nearly broke until payday. We also currently have no microwave so everything we bought had to actually be real food!

Not only that, but we had dinner guests! Andrea and Shawn came over yesterday for spaghetti. I realized last minute that I should get some garlic bread and some dessert so I had to run to the grocery store again. The spaghetti was all stuck together (I'll be sure to use more salt next time!) and we ended up with more food than we needed (better than less food I suppose), but overall it was a lot of fun. After dinner we all sat outside for a while before heading back in for dessert. Andrea and I did the dishes while Tyler and Shawn sat in front of the TV (men!).

The most interesting thing that I've found through all of this is that I really don't mind doing any of it one bit. Tyler is so helpful, so I don't usually end of doing anything alone. We take turns with the litter boxes, and help each other out with the dishes. I did all of the laundry and even put it away, but at least he carried it all downstairs for me!

It's weird to say that all of this makes me feel grown up, dishes, laundry and such are things that I have been doing for most of my life. The difference is, now I don't mind doing these things. I understand now that the stuff has to get done so I might as well get it over with. It's also a lot less stressful to just keep on top of these things. I don't want to have to do two hours worth of dishes at the end of the week or ten loads of laundry.

I'm pleased with how well Tyler and I work together. I am so happy about the couple that we have matured into and I'm excited to see how much our relationship will grow from here.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Importance of Family

It's been forever since I last wrote anything! I've been so long without a computer and without the internet. But I'm back! I want to talk a little about the importance of a family, and a little about a very special lady.

Every year my family gets together for the long weekend in August and goes camping. We call our reunion the White Whoopee (because that was my great-grandmother's last name, not because we are racist). This year was it's 38th year! There were 64 of us there this year! It's always an awesome time, we really only see each other once a year, but this year was a little different.

My mom's aunt passed away just a few days before the reunion. I didn't know my auntie Carol all that well, but after spending the last few weeks hearing such great things about her, I wish I had. I'm looking forward to chatting with her when I join her in Heaven - because that is no doubt where she is.

She was 74 years old and up until a month ago was on a year-long missions trip in Africa. At 74! She became ill and ended up coming home early. It turns out the she had a lymphoma in her stomach which was quickly removed. She died about a week and a half after her surgery because of some complications.

She was so ready to go though. She was excited about dying, about going home. She was looking forward to being with her family that had already passed on and about being with God. She had doctors and nurses praying and singing hymns in the hospital with her. She was preaching the word of God until she could no longer speak. She was a woman of God, she lived every moment of her life for Him.

My family came together for her funeral and then spent the weekend together camping. This year's theme was "New Beginnings". We all had new beginnings with our faith by being shown her example. She gave her immediate family some peace because she wasn't sad. She helped to give them closure as she was dying and heading towards her own new beginning.

Everyone needs that. A family is so important, whether it's the family that you were born with or the one that you choose for yourself. We need to hold them close to our hearts. There is no one who can be there for you more than your family. They've always been there and always will be. You have a history with your family and you know each other better than anyone else could.

A family is all about the stories that are shared, the help that is offered and the love. No one with a loving family ever has to worry about not having someone to help out. They're always there for you as soon as you call. I want to make sure that as I grow older I don't lose touch with any of these people.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Andrea ('s latest post "sorry kids…make your own dinner…mommy’s drunk" got me thinking a little. I decided to expand on that with...statistics! and my own opinions, of course.

I want to address the issue of underage drinking and how it can become an issue of alcoholism later in life. I read today that teens who start drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely and teens who started drinking before 21 are twice as likely to become alcoholics as adults than someone who does not start drinking until the age of 21 (the legal drinking age in the States). One quarter of all of the alcohol consumed in the US is consumed by people under the legal age. In the States 31.5% of high school students admit to binge drinking at least once a month.

On the other hand, becoming an alcoholic as an adult is not the only concern associated with underage drinking. Teens who are heavy drinkers are 12 times more likely to use illegal drugs than teens who do not drink. Teens who drink are five times more likely to drop out of school. Alcohol is the number one abused substance by teens and is the number one partial cause of date rape, sexual harassment, racial fights, drop outs and overdose deaths.

Not to mention the sex! Teens who drink are seven times more likely to have sex and twice as likely to have sex with four or more partners during their teen years than teens who do not drink. Of course this leads to increased STDs and pregnancy in teens who drink.

Why is this happening? For one, many parents don't stop it. They see drinking as a "right of passage", something that they did when they were that age. In many cases the parents themselves drink and/or are alcoholics. It is also glorified in the media. A study of 81 G-rated movies showed that 34% of them related alcohol with wealth and 19% related it to sexual activity. G-rated! These are the movies your kids are watching! Also, how many beer/vodka/rum/wine commercials do you see everyday? A lot, and not just at night, you'll see them during the day, during the news and whenever else your TV is on.

Something needs to be done about this. Something more than cheesy commercials and videos shown in health class. I actually had to do some research to find these stats, how many teen drinkers do you think are doing that? Liquor needs to be less available to them. There isn't much you can do about friends buying alcohol for underage friends, but the liquor and beer stores could help. I personally have been in stores and bars and not been ID'd, and I look about 15 even though I am 19. These facilities need to be more responsible and follow the law, ID'ing anyone who looks to be under 25.

These stats that I quoted are rising every year and it is something that needs to be taken care of. I've personally seen the damage that alcohol does to a family. Did you know that 43% of families have an alcoholic in them? This may not be a parent, it could be an uncle or a grandparent, but it's still there. Teens who are drinking often underage need to be aware that this is the path they are laying for themselves.

Adult alcoholics are selfish people who damage and scar their families and the people around them. They would rather buy booze than pay the rent and put food on the table. The will stay up late fighting and then complain when the kids don't get good marks in school. They will call their daughter a "stupid cunt" and effectively lower her self esteem. They will expect everyone to cater to their needs when they are too drunk to get up and do things for themselves. They will break things and then accuse someone else of doing it. They will almost set the house on fire by falling asleep with a cigarette or with the stove left on.

Most importantly, they will wake up in the morning and not remember any of it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I'm finally almost done with my packing. When my mom and her boyfriend bought a house a few months back, I figured I had plenty of time to pack. I don't have that much stuff, or so I thought.

In truth, I don't have a lot of stuff, but I have a lot of important stuff that I don't need anymore. What am I going to do with that box of old photos? Or that history essay that I wrote on Creationism over Evolution? Or that poem that I wrote when I was thirteen? I'm certainly not going to throw those things away, maybe I should, but I won't.

I spent the last week going through a ton of paper. I did throw away some of it, but I kept a lot of it even though it is from another time in my life. I love to look back at old things. I want to be able to pull these things out and share them with my grandkids fifty years from now. If that means that I have to hold on to them until then, so be it. If that makes me a packrat, oh well.

Even if things aren't particularly important to me now, they were then. Otherwise I wouldn't have kept them, and if that old love note was important to me four years ago, than it is still important now.

Nineteen years of life, packed away in less than nineteen boxes (half of which are full of books!) yet these boxes contain so much. They hold what is important to me. These few possessions represent my life and sit as reminders of the girl I used to be and show a bit of the woman that I am becoming.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Five Years

How Do I Love Thee? - Elizabeth Barrett Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

If someone had told me when I was ten years old that this would happen to me, I wouldn't have believed them. When I was ten years old, it was just a crush, a fantasy, something that I knew could never happen. When I was fourteen, and you asked me to be your girlfriend, it became reality.

You were my first boyfriend, the first person that I fell in love with and the last. Some people say that girls should "play the field", but I don't ever want to be with anyone but you. You make me feel more important and more special than I ever thought I could be. You've stuck by me through everything and you're still with me today.

I never thought that I would be with you, let alone talking about getting engaged, getting married and spending our lives together, but I couldn't be happier. I just want you to know how important you are to me and that I couldn't imagine my life without you. I don't ever want to be without you there to make me smile.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Looking For Alaska and Rabia al-Adawiyya

Over the last two days I read a book called Looking For Alaska by John Green. It was an amazing book and I highly recommend it. There was one thing in the book that struck a chord with me. This prayer was actually said by a Muslim woman, but it doesn't matter, I can use her words in my Christian faith just the same.

She prayed: "O Allah! If I worship You for fear of Hell, burn me in Hell,
and if I worship You in hope of Paradise, exclude me from Paradise.
But if I worship You for Your Own sake,
grudge me not Your everlasting Beauty.”

She is so right. As Christians we spend far too much time worrying about whether we are going to get into Heaven or burn in Hell that we can sometimes forget the most important thing. That is simply loving God. It is wrong to love God out of fear of the afterlife.

We don't need to worry about what happens to us when we die so much as we need to worry about what is happening to us right now. Obviously as Christians we want to go to Heaven, but we shouldn't love God just for that. We should love God because He is God. We love Him because he is powerful, gracious, forgiving, kind and most of all because He loves us!

God has done so much for us in the past and continues to do things for us every day. He gives us strength when we are weak, hope when we lose faith, and comfort when we are abandoned by everything else. How could we not love Him? And of course we do love Him, we just sometimes lose sight of why.

If we love God for all of those reasons, if we love God because HE IS GOD, then we will receive His Kingdom.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A True Friend

Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on
(Lean on me)
For it won't be long 'til
I'm gonna need somebody to lean on

Sometimes in our lives
We all have pain, we all have sorrows
But, if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow

Please, swallow your pride
If I have things that you need to borrow
For, no one can fill those of your needs
If you won't let them show

You just call on me, brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have some problems that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on

WARNING: This may be extremely sappy

A true friend is someone who is always there when you need them and someone that you want to do things for. They are someone who will honestly tell you when you are right or wrong. They will give you advice that you can trust. They will give you hope and encouragement when you need it the most. They will tell you what you need to hear, and sometimes the things that you don't want to hear.

This is a friend, that no matter what happens, will always come back to you. No matter how much time you spend apart, the moment you're back together, it seems as if you never left. A friend that you know will still be around to remember "the good old days" when you're gray and wrinkly.

A true friend will lead you through life when you need guidance and would follow you through fire. Many other people will pass through your life and sometimes this true friend may be pushed to the sidelines. Even with this, they are always waiting for you when you come back, just as you wait for them. It's not always easy, but it is never too hard.

I'm glad that I have a friend like this in my life. One who knows just what to tell me when I don't have anyone else to turn to.

"Emily, any man who doesn't strongly believe in waiting until marriage for sex yet holds out for five years for YOU is not going anywhere. Any man who just asked for your fathers permission to marry you wouldn't do anything either. You and Tyler have the strongest, more pure love I have ever seen in my life. I cannot imagine that Tyler would do ANYTHING to hurt you...if you ever just want advice or someone to listen I'm me, email or night....I'm here. And I always will be."

I want you to know that I'm always here for you too. Thank you. :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Finally Beginning

Do you ever feel like you're waiting for certain things to happen before your life really begins? Like "Once I'm done this year of school, I'll finally be able to have fun." or "Once I graduate I'll finally be able to get going on what I really want to do with my life?" I do. I'm one of those people who waits for events to happen, knowing that things will get better afterwards (even if they don't). It's finally paying off.

I've spent the last few years "waiting for the rest of my life to begin". I finally feel like it is. Over the last week I was in Georgia for my step-sister's wedding. It was a great weekend for more than one reason.

Tyler finally asked my dad's permission to marry me. We plan to be engaged within the next two-four months and married in the next two-three years. I am SO excited! I've been waiting for this for so long. I finally feel like my life is getting started. We'll be moving in together (with my mom) in a few months and everything is going great.

Looking forward to the rest of my life and enjoying the great things that I have right now!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Why is it that so many people just do whatever they want with no consideration for anyone else? Do they think that the world revolves around them, that the rest of us should change our lives and schedules to fit into theirs?

All I wanted to do today was come home, do my laundry, and start packing to go to Georgia on Wednesday. But no! Inconsiderate people strike again!

I didn't throw my laundry in when I first got home because it was 11am and I figured "Hey, I've got all day!" Wrong! I finally went upstairs at about 3 to check and see if the machines were available or not. We only have two washers and two dryers, so often you may have to wait half an hour to use one. There was a load in one the washers that had 17 minutes left on it so I decided to go back downstairs and come back up in like 45 minutes when the load would be half-way through the dryer cycle.

So I come down and sit around doing nothing (played a little Roller Coaster Tycoon)for a little less than an hour before venturing back up to the laundry room around 4:30. To my surprise, the load is still sitting in the washer! Leaving a load in for 5 or 10 minutes is one things, but this was like 45! I mean really, there are probably 100 people in this building sharing two washers and dryers! Why would you leave you laundry sitting in there for that long in the middle of a Sunday afternoon?

Ok, yeah, maybe I'm overreacting. It's just laundry right? The thing is, if I can't get my laundry done tonight, I'm going to have to come home after work tomorrow night and I had planned to go to the mall with Tyler to get my dad a Father's Day gift.

On top of that there are two kids right outside my bedroom window (like seriously right outside!) that have been there for about an hour or so. They're maybe like twelve and they live in the building next door. Anyway, they've been throwing a basketball into the wall above my window and being really loud for a while now. I was tempted to go outside and yell at them, but I opted to open my window and turn my music up in the hopes that they would get the idea. So far it hasn't worked.

So here's my question? Do people do these things because they really are that selfish? Or did someone honestly forget about their laundry? Do these kids think that I can't hear them inside my apartment? Somehow I don't think so, but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Stand By Me

Playing for a Change


Saturday, May 23, 2009


In November I decided to try and do Nanowrimo - National Novel Writing Month. Basically, it starts on the 1st and you write 50,000 words in the month (about 100 pages I think). It's a lot harder than you would think. I did no planning and actually had to restart with something completely different four days into it. I ended up giving up on it on the 17th because I found that I wasn't at home long enough to write it.

I managed to get just over 22,000 words written (40 pages) in the 17 days that I was writing. Now that I think about it, that is actually a lot. After the 17th I never went back and added to it, I figure I shouldn't let all of that writing go to waste. I've decided to edit what I've written and try to finish it, posting it here as it comes.

This is the first original (non-fanfiction) piece that I've ever written and it's pretty rough. It has a fairly unoriginal fantasy/vampire plotline.

Interestingly enough, looking back at it I realized that I had forgotten what the title was - Clear Vision. I named my blog after it and then I never even finished it. I think this story at least deserves to be put out there and I am going to try my hardest to finish.

Here is chapter one, please read it if you have the time. :)

Clear Vision - Chapter 1

Faye walked out the front doors of her high school. She had never been so happy to leave a place in her life. It had been a long four years, but she had done it, she had graduated. Never again would she have to walk through those doors. Never again would she have to spend a day being a nobody. Many people think of high school as the best years of their life. Faye just wanted to forget them.
High school was only fun when you had friends. No one liked school. No one wanted to go somewhere to sit, learn and do schoolwork. They liked going to school because they liked to spend time with their friends. Faye didn’t have any friends. It was difficult to have fun in a place where you had no one.
Faye had never had friends, not even as a child. All of the other children had always thought she was strange, that she was a freak. As she left the school she recalled the dream that she had had the night before.

She was walking through a thick, dark forest. She knew it was a dream because there was nothing like this place near where she lived. All of the forests near her city were new. They didn’t have the ancient, magical feel of this forest. Looking at the trees here, you could almost hear them whispering. Almost see the things that these trees had seen over the many years that they had been there.
As she walked she felt as if she was walking towards something, but didn’t know what. She was compelled in one direction and if she tried to steer away from its path she found that she couldn’t move. She kept on and felt the air growing cooler. The wind blew her straight, dark hair around her face.
She felt her feet pick up speed and knew that she must be nearing her final destination. She looked down and noticed the tangled roots on the ground around her. She hadn’t tripped once; it was almost as if she knew the path. Finally she reached a clearing and came to a sudden stop. She knew she had reached her destination.
She looked around her. Again, she found nothing familiar about this place. She knew she had never been here before, but something in her subconscious had brought her there. She heard a rustling behind her and snapped her head around to look behind her. She caught a brief glimpse of someone running away into the forest, back the way that she had come. She was about to chase after them when she noticed a piece of paper floating to the ground.

The sun falls in the sky,
Day fades to night,

Whispers bring fear,
Tear down the light.

When sorrow claims thee,
He’ll come to your side.

What you need most,
He will provide.

As soon as she had read the words she had woken up. She had learned at a young age that ignoring her dreams could have serious consequences. But how could she do anything about this one when she had no idea what it meant. The dreams before had always been warnings about something bad that was going to happen. This one seemed to be offering help. She had never read much poetry, but this poem seemed to be the key to the dream.
But who was the dream talking about? Someone was going to come in the night and give her something? It didn’t make any sense. She didn’t have any friends, she didn’t know anyone…How could someone possibly know what she needed? She had been so engrossed in her thoughts that she hadn’t been paying any attention to where she was going. Suddenly she smacked right into someone. She dropped all of her books on the ground and so did he.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, but he was already gone. Just another proof of how invisible she was. She picked up her things and headed home. When she got there her dad wasn’t home, as usual. He was never home. She was invisible at school and in her house. She dropped her things onto the couch and went into the kitchen.
After making herself a quick dinner she hurried up to her room. Her father would be home eventually and she didn’t want to be around when he did. She picked up her sketch pad and flipped to the first blank page. She opened her desk drawer and slid out her box of pastels. She had had to save her money for weeks to buy them and they were one of her prized possessions.
She selected the light green first and started to brush long strokes along the bottom of the page. Brown was her second colour of choice and then a darker green. Finally she was placing her black pastel back into the box, the picture was finished. She looked down at the picture. It was identical to the clearing that she had stood in the night before in her dream. Right down to the number of trees. She was still staring at the picture when she heard the front door slam.
She quickly shoved her things back into her drawer and shut off the light. She crawled under her covers and hoped that her father would see that she was asleep and go to bed himself. At first she thought she was safe, all was silent in the house below her. She had almost drifted off to sleep when she heard the first creak on the stairs.
Her eyes flew open and she rushed to her bedroom door. She planted herself on the floor in front of it, holding it closed. As the steps on the stairs became closer and closer her heart began beating faster and faster. Faye pressed her eyes closed and was taken back to the first time this had happened.


She was fourteen years old. She had been sitting on her bed reading when she heard her father stumble in. He was out late every night so she didn’t think much of it when she heard him come in. But that night was different. His footsteps seemed heavier and she could have sworn she could hear him breathing. She heard voices and wondered who had come in with him. She soon realized that there was no one there, he was talking to himself.
“Can’t stop…Won’t stop…Go…Just go away!” Faye heard him yell.
By the time she heard his footsteps on the stairs, she was frightened. By the time he was outside her bedroom door, she was terrified. She huddled under her covers as his hand turned the knob. He staggered into the room and over to her bed. She felt the cold air hit her shoulders and he threw back her covers.
“Go away and leave me alone!” he shouted in her face.
“Dad…what’s wrong?” Faye started to ask.
She looked in his eyes to find them glossy, unseeing. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and threw her to the floor. She screamed as he kicked her all the while yelling in her face. He was incoherent as she begged him to stop. She felt her head hit the corner of her bed and then it was over. She turned to see him kneeling in the corner. His eyes flashed to her face and she caught a glimpse of something in them. She didn’t dare move in case he came at her again.
Finally he got to his feet and pulled himself from her room closing the door behind him. She sat huddled on the floor for a long while before crawling back into her bed. The next morning he was back to his usual, distant self.


They never spoke of that night or any of the similar nights that followed it for the next four years. On this night Faye was once again shocked by the inhuman strength of her father as he pushed open her door and came at her once again.


Faye woke in the morning feeling sore. She tiptoed downstairs to find that her father had already left for work. She was safe for now, for another day. She headed outside in the summer sun to see a moving truck positioned in front of the house next door. It appeared that the movers were moving things into the house. When had her neighbours moved out? It seemed that going unnoticed for so long had left her not paying attention to the world around her.
She sat on her porch with a book and watched them awhile. She realized that she didn’t want to feel disconnected from the rest of the world. She saw a sleek red car pull up the road and park behind the truck. She pretended to look down at her book as she observed the figure emerging from the car.
He was dressed in black from head to toe, despite the scorching July heat. He appeared to be a few years older than she was. He had a dark layer of soft brown hair on his head. Suddenly he turned to look her in the face and she was shocked at the startling flashes of green that were his eyes. He smiled at her and she quickly looked back down at her book. She didn’t lift her eyes from it until the moving van had left.


That night Faye lay in bed thinking about her dream and waiting for her father to come home. She had been pondering her latest dream most of the day and was no closer to figuring out what it meant. What if she was just wasting her time? What if her dream was not a vision? What if it was nothing more than a dream?
She was still lost in thought when her dad got home. As she leaned in front of the door she noticed the pitch blackness of the sky outside. There were no stars tonight, no light from the moon. For some reason she was reminded of the words of the poem in her dream. She remembered them perfectly even though she hadn’t written them down.

The sun falls in the sky,
Day fades to night,

Whispers bring fear,
Tear down the light.

When sorrow claims thee,
He’ll come to your side.

What you need most,
He will provide.

As she murmured the words under her breath to herself she felt a shiver travel up her spine. As soon as she finished reciting the words she noticed that she could no longer hear her father’s footsteps. She braced herself for him to open the door. All of her muscles were tense when she heard his movement. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth…and then realized that his footsteps were fading. She opened her eyes in disbelief as she heard her father’s bedroom door slam.
She sat on the floor that way for a long time. She didn’t want to let herself believe that he wasn’t coming back. Finally she stood up, tiptoed across the room and climbed into bed. Just as she was drifting off to sleep she thought she heard a whisper in her ear.
“You are safe.”


The next morning it was foggy and grey outside. Faye stayed in bed late, not daring to get up. She knew that her father was gone but she still wondered about what had happened the night before. Because of her own visions, she believed somewhat in the supernatural, but she had never experienced anything like that before. How could the poem have changed anything? A magic spell? She laughed at the thought of it. It could be nothing more than a coincidence. Her father had simply decided to go to bed; the poem had had nothing to do with this.
She had herself completely convinced of this when she finally got out of bed. She stepped out onto the misty porch to read as she did everyday. As a child, books had provided an escape to the strange girl. With no friends and no parents to speak of, a child didn’t have much. But Faye had her books.
She could spend hours reading about someone else’s life and imagining herself in their situations. Sometimes it almost seemed like the books were what was real and she herself didn’t exist. She was currently in the middle of a horror and fantasy phase. She spent hours everyday reading about monsters and magic. She laughed again thinking about last night. All of these books must be making her imagination run wild.
She took one look at the clouds and went back into her room to get a sweater. She dug through her closet until she found her favourite black fleece. She grabbed her book off the bed and ran back down the stairs. It was so dark on the deck that she didn’t notice the dark figure sitting on the swinging bench until he spoke.
“Hello,” he said.
Faye let out a small yelp and pressed her book to her chest. She squinted at the figure but could see nothing more than a dark blob in front of her.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, I just wanted to come by and say hello,” he said.
“Who are you?” Faye asked, still unable to see the source of the soft, deep voice.
“I’m Damien,” he laughed. “I just moved in next door.”
“Oh,” she said embarrassed.
“Anyway, I saw you watching me yesterday and I wanted to come by and say hi to the pretty girl next door.”
Faye felt herself blushing from his compliment. She wasn’t used to even talking to guys, let alone getting compliments from them.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. Did you want to come inside?” Faye asked him.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to interrupt your reading,” he was eying her novel. The cover had a boy with fangs on the front. Faye was suddenly embarrassed. She felt like a child standing in front of him, holding a vampire book to her chest.
“No really, I haven’t been enjoying this book very much anyway,” she lied.
“Well alright then,” he smirked as he stood up to follow her into the house.
In the light of her living room, Faye saw him truly for the first time. He was beautiful. His hair was brown and fell perfectly onto his forehead, he was much, much taller than her (which wasn’t saying too much) and his green eyes that had shocked her yesterday were staring straight into her own brown eyes. She immediately dropped her eyes to the floor when she realized that he had seen her staring. He chuckled to himself and looked around the room.
“Nice house,” he said politely.
“Right,” she said sarcastically. Her house was dingy and she knew it. Her father was never home to do anything around the house and she didn’t bother.
“No really, it has a story to it,” he said distantly.
“If you really think so,” she said. “So where did you come from anyway?” she said abruptly, trying to change the subject.
“I moved here from Australia. Before that it was Turkey and before that it was Russia…or was it China? I’m from everywhere really. I like to travel a lot. I never stay in one place for long,” he said.
“Wow…What about your parents? Don’t they live with you?”
Damien actually laughed out loud about this. “Not remotely. My parents fucked off years ago; they left me enough money to last a lifetime and never looked back. I’ve been traveling the world ever since, never finding a place I liked enough to settle down.”
“Well…do you want me…to show you around town or something? I don’t think there will be many people out today with the weather the way it is.”
“That sounds…great,” Damien said hesitantly.
“If you don’t want to, we don’t have to. It was just an idea,” Faye said quickly, feeling embarrassed again.
“No, really I want to. Let’s go.”
Faye wasn’t really sure why she had offered. The town of Havenbrooke was small and there wasn’t really much in it. She didn’t know anyone and didn’t go out very often either. As the walked down the main street she began to wish more and more that she hadn’t offered to show him around town. She found herself alone in the dark streets with a strange man that she didn’t know. This couldn’t be a good decision.
“That’s the grocery store,” she pointed absent-mindedly. She turned to point out the graveyard when she saw something strange out of the corner of her eye. A flicker of light in the darkness. She spun so quickly that she lost her footing and began to tumble to the ground. Just as she was about to fall she felt strong arms around her waist.
“Careful there pretty girl, I can’t have my tour guide getting hurt,” Damien smiled down at her.
Faye blushed and continued walking down the street. After a while she realized that she was actually having fun. She had spent so long having no contact or conversation with anyone that she found herself relishing in every word he said. She realized that he too seemed captivated whenever she spoke. Finally they had walked all the way to the end of town.
“That’s the highway, you have to drive for three miles before you even reach the next town,” she explained. “We’re kind of out in the middle of no where.”
She explained to him the funny thing about Havenbrooke.
“This whole area used to be forests, thick and full of trees as far as you could see. The government decided to come out and cut it all down and put all these little towns in instead. For a while no one wanted to move out here because it was all so suspicious. There was never a reason given for why the forests were cut down. The government preyed on the larger towns where jobs were hard to come by because of the huge populations. People who had no jobs, money or experience were offered schooling and a good position in a company to move out into one of these new towns.
“Thousands of people agreed to it and now they have all these little towns with only a few hundred people living in each all spread miles apart all across the country side. My grandfather was one of those people. He met his wife in this town and both of my parents were born in this town. I’ve never even been into the next town over,” she explained.
“How interesting,” he mused. “So everyone must really know each other around here then,” he said, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“Pretty much everyone,” except me, she added to herself.
Hours later the two of them made their way down the block towards their respective houses. They had stopped for dinner in one of the town’s small family-owned restaurants. Faye was surprised when Damien didn’t turn up his own driveway, but followed her up hers. He couldn’t really like spending time with her, could he? She thought about it, the people in her town stayed away from her because they knew she was strange and, she suspected, they knew her father was strange. But Damien had just moved here. She was the only person that he knew. He hadn’t met anyone else to tell him what she was like.
They sat together on the front porch as the sky got dark. He told her a little more about the different places that he had lived. He talked about the art, the food and the culture. He didn’t say anything more about his parents or mention any friends. When she asked him about it, he thought hard before replying.
“When you move around as much as I do, it’s hard to get to know people. I never stay in one place long enough to get to know people very much. I regret that at times, but it’s the way I live,” he explained.
She was about to say something to him when she realized that the sun had been down for a very long time. She started to panic, looking around wildly.
“What? What is it?” Damien asked, concerned.
“My father…My father will be home any minute.”
“Another time then,” and he was gone.
No sooner had she noticed this when her father’s car pulled into the driveway. He walked past her as if she wasn’t even there. His eyes had their usual glossed over look about them as he wandered in the front door. She sat paralyzed on the porch now. She didn’t know what to do. She was always in her room by the time her father got home. She was scared to enter the house in case tonight was going to be one of those nights.
Finally, she knew she couldn’t put it off any longer. Her sweater that had provided warmth in the morning fog was not thick enough to fend off the nighttime chill. She silently pushed open the door and slipped quietly inside. She looked into the living room and then into the kitchen, she didn’t see her father. She ran towards the stairs hoping to get to her room without being seen.
She had reached the third step when she felt herself yanked back by her hair. There was a loud yell, a thump and then he was on top of her. She struggled to get away from his flailing arms, but it was no use. She lay back and braced herself for the next blow. She started whispering the poem to herself again. She knew it held no magic, but it comforted her either way. The poem seemed to infuriate her father further, but she felt compelled to finish it after she had started.
When she completed it she heard her father give one final yell. He had his fist pulled back in front of her neck. She cringed and shut her eyes to fend off what she knew was coming. But it never did. She opened her eyes to see something holding her father back. As soon as she had noticed this, her father was thrown off of her. She backed away into the corner, trying to get out of the way.
She looked up to catch a glimpse of her savior, but all she saw was black. Her rescuer was clothed in a black cloak and had a deep hood up, covering the back of his head. He had his back to her so she couldn’t see his face. He was now speaking in low tones to her father in a language that she could not understand. After what seemed like hours her father slumped down onto the floor.
The cloaked figure turned to her. She looked up to see his face and saw that it was covered. He leaned down towards her and whispered in her ear.
“You are safe child, go to sleep.”
Faye immediately rose from the floor and ran up to her room. She was sure that she would never be able to sleep after that, but she was wrong. She was out like a light as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Going Great!

Well, it's 6am, I guess I've pulled an all-nighter without even trying. I haven't stayed up all night until last summer, before I started working every freaking day!

But seriously, I just wanted a post a quick note about something completely not serious, debatable or depressing: how great my life is right now.

I am so happy right now that I don't even know how I could have considered myself happy a few months ago. I've given up on letting myself stress about the little things and have given myself over to life, God, and what that brings to me.

No, I'm not in college or working my dream career, but I'm working good hours and making good paychecks and am finally getting ahead in my life. No, I haven't finished my credit for high school yet, but, I'm still a student and can be under my mom's benefits. No, I don't have an engagement ring on my finger yet, but Tyler and I are finally looking for our own place where we can have freedom and privacy from his parents. No, I'm not a published author or writing anything of value, but I am writing again.

Life is exciting and every day is full of new experiences.

"Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet." - Anne of Green Gables

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, one conversation lead to another tonight and I found myself with some interesting conclusions. That, mixed in with some other thoughts that I had today, left me with this. In a way it's not much, in other ways it's too much. This post is going to jump all over the place, just like the conversation that I had with my mom before I started writing it. Hopefully some sense will come from it.

My first question, to myself and everyone else, is: How do you witness?

This question came up in a conversation about what you have to do to be saved. There will be more about this conversation later (I can tell already that this is going to be a long post - get ready). My mom and I discussed, that among other things, witnessing is one of the things that we must do in order to go to Heaven. I think that this is pretty universally accepted in all denominations of Christianity. The true question is, how do you do it?

Some people take the obvious route, they tell others about God at every possible opportunity. Simply talking about God can work...sometimes. But if you're talking to a strong Atheist, someone who was brought up to believe that religion and God are all fake, what do you do? You can't just automatically start talking to them about God, they aren't going to listen most of the time. How are you supposed to show them what being a Christian is about?

I believe that witnessing doesn't have to be about just talking about God. You can show people the love of Christ just by being nice. Being kind, compassionate and putting yourself in someone else's shoes can be enough. If you are kind to everyone they will notice that there is something different about you, they'll wonder why. Eventually these people will come to you and ask the questions that you wanted to give them the answer to in the first place.

You don't have to go out and knock on doors or shove your beliefs down peoples' throats when they don't want to hear it. It doesn't work. Sometimes you have to let them see you example and come to you first. Maybe they won't come to you, maybe they won't ask you about God and your faith. Maybe they'll emulate your behaviour and become Christ-like without even knowing it. Maybe a subtle approach and a laid-back attitude can bring people closer to God that preaching.

Ok, question number two...I'm not really sure how these two conversations relate. My mom and I were talking about sins and, of course, what you have to do to get into Heaven. This also relates back to a conversation that I had with Andrea a few months back after I wrote my blog about sex.

The conversation that Andrea and I had revolved around what God would think if I had sex with the man that I loved before I married him. From what I remember of that conversation (I'm sorry if I took it the wrong way) Andrea basically told me that God wouldn't condemn me to Hell for deciding to have sex before I'm married. God loves me and wants me to wait, but he isn't going to punish me for all eternity. This is because he loves me. This is something that I needed and was glad to hear at the time.

It also ties in with question number two: Is homosexuality a sin?

Of course, the Bible says it is. The Bible says that we should love the sinner and hate the sin. I agree with that. I just do not believe that homosexuality is a sin. Yeah, I know, it goes against everything that I've been brought up to believe and what a lot of other Christians believe.

Yes, God created men and women to be together, they fit together, so of course that's how they should be. Right? In my opinion, maybe God would rather men and women be together, rather then two men or two women, that doesn't mean it is a sin. I cannot see how a God who preaches love and wants us to love one another can deny two people that love just because they are of the same sex.

I am not gay, but I know people who are. I know people who are in love and happy, just the way they are. Why should we "accept them and hate their sin"? Why can't we accept them and their "sin"? Love is love whether it is for a man or a woman, there is only one love. There are different kinds of love yes, you can love someone and not be in love. But what if the person that you are in love with happens to be of the same sex? Are you supposed to fall out of love with that person? Are you supposed to not act on it? Does not acting upon it really change anything? You still love that person and why would a God who tells you to love not want you to have that?

What if you are a man who is in love with another man, but are not sexually attracted to that man? Is it still a "sin" to be in a relationship with that man if there is no sex, kissing or any other sexual acts? I mean really, gay marriage is legal in Canada, if we're saying that it is wrong to have sex before marriage, what's to stop them once they are married? If they are in love with each other, why not act on it? I don't mean that they should have sex with each other just like that, but if they are married (just like any other couple) and are sexually attracted to each other (just like any other couple) why shouldn't they?

If God isn't going to condemn me to Hell for having sex before marriage, why would He condemn a gay couple who is waiting until marriage to have sex? Why is it wrong for two men or two women to be in love? Are they not both human beings? Do they not both have personalities, feelings and thoughts that another person with the same could love? If a man can fall in love with a certain woman, why can't another woman fall in love with that same woman? And if that isn't wrong, why should they then not act on that love?

I know, controversial topic. This post was supposed to be slightly more thought out and there was actually supposed to be a question number three...It's three in the morning and I honestly can't remember what it was. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Philosophical! Fun! Enlightening! Inspiring! Entertaining! Interesting! Ranting!

Every time I write in my blog, I try to make the entry worthwhile. I want my writing to be something of substance, not just me blathering on about nothing. Sometimes it's easy. I'll have some kind of experience or a sudden thought throughout the day that springs something to my to write about. Other days, I'll decide that I want to write in my blog and have no idea what to write. I actually have to sit and think for a while about a topic.

Why? Why is it so hard to do? It's not like I have no emotions, no thoughts. I have tons. Why should I struggle with putting my feelings into words? Do I worry too much about what the reader gets out of it? How much they might be reading between the lines? I don't think so, considering I only have a few people reading.

I just don't want my blog to be a list of things that I've done since the last time I wrote. I want my blog to be more of a compilation of thoughts and feelings that I can look back on and remember what I was doing, just by what I wrote. I want to open myself up more. I want to bear my thoughts and my soul with no blocks, no boundaries.

I want to express myself in a way that matters.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I've read a bit on the internet today about abortion and it got me thinking. Where do I stand on the issue? Up until this point I had mixed feelings on the issue. I still do...let me try to explain.

I am pro-life, for me. I would never have an abortion myself, even in the event of a rape pregnancy. I believe that life begins at conception, not at birth. This means that unborn babies should have human rights. In my opinion. While my beliefs make it impossible for me to fathom having an abortion, I can understand why other woman can.

Many women are not emotionally equipped to deal with having a baby that is the result of rape or incest. These woman, if forced to continue with the pregnancy, may end up killing themselves, or doing permanent psychological damage to themselves and their child. While I do not agree with abortion, I can't stop someone who does not agree with me from doing what they think is right.

This sounds terrible...let me try to explain again. If I believed that life happened at birth and not at conception, I would believe that these fetuses could feel no pain, that they didn't have souls. If this were the case, I would have no problem with abortion. Although I know that this is not true, many women do not. I cannot force my opinions on them and make them change their minds.

I am pro-life, but I believe that women should have a right to choose, if there are special circumstances. If the woman was raped or carrying the baby to full term could put her own life in danger, I can see why they would want an abortion. I don't agree with their decision, but I can understand why they made it.

This is my opinion ONLY for these special circumstances. Abortion is not and should never be just another form of birth control. There are tests that can be done now to find out if the child will have any disabilities. In some countries it is legal to abort these babies. This is wrong on so many levels. Just because someone is disabled does not mean we have the right to end their life.

Another thing that I read that disgusted me was late term abortions. With this kind of abortion, the baby is too developed to just be 'sucked out'. A doctor must actually pull the baby out of the uterus and then crush its skull to terminate it. This is murder. When you hold someone's head in your heads and crush it, you are killing it, whether it has been born or not.

Abortion disgusts me and it makes me miserable just thinking about it. While it is something that I hate and would never do myself, I can understand why some women would feel the need too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Just a short blog to help me try and process some thoughts...

The night before last I was reading my bible. I had a conversation with Tyler earlier this week about the end of the world. He has been hearing a lot of stuff at work lately about this Planet X, 2012 end of the world stuff. He asked me what I thought about it and I told him that while I don't know much about that theory, I don't think that it's going to happen. I told him that there are things in that the bible says are going to happen before the end of the world. To make a long story short, I couldn't remember what all of these things were, so when I was reading my bible on Tuesday, I was reading the Book of Revelation.

When I got to the part about the church in Laodicea I read and highlighted this verse:

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

- Revelation 4:15-16

This verse struck a chord. I don't want to be lukewarm. I want to have that special relationship with God. I've been longing for it for a while without even realizing it. I want to be hot - on fire - for Christ. I want to change, but I'm still figuring out how.

Tonight I was reading another blog. This blog is written by a friend of a friend - someone that I don't even know. She had quoted this exact verse in one of her recent blogs. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I think that God is telling me that He doesn't want me to be lukewarm anymore either. Being neither hot or cold is worse that being one or the other.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Sometimes I feel like I'm falling into a routine. I don't want my relationship with God to be in any way forced, because it doesn't seem real. I need to move outside of my comfort zone more often and really do things for God. I don't want to do all of those thing because I know I should be doing them. I want to pray, read my bible, and do good things because I want to.

I usually pray before I go to sleep because I grew up as a kid doing that. I'm now trying to pray throughout the day, whenever the moment strikes me, rather than just at the 'designated times'. Instead of sitting around and being crabby when I'm stressed out I'll try to pick up my bible to find guidance...but I want to do more. I want to truly live my life in a way that would make God proud of me.

God, as a Father, is just like any parent. This means that I should be trying to please Him in everything I do. Every thought that I have and everything that I do shouldn't be something that I would be ashamed of my parents hearing or seeing, and I shouldn't let God see me that way either.

I've also been trying lately to do something that I've never done before. I'm being open about my faith. I always told myself that I kept my feelings about God to myself because it was personal, now I'm not so sure. I wonder if I wasn't just embarrassed before. Maybe I was scared of how other people would see me. Not even people who don't believe in God. I'm not scared of non-christians knowing about my faith. I'm scared of other Christians looking down on me for what I believe.

Not anymore.

I need to be completely open about my faith with everyone else, if I'm going to be able to grow in it. I can't grow with God if I don't let the people around me in. I can't help other people to grow with God if I'm not open about it. What kind of Christian would that make me?

I think I need to get right down to it and take a good look at myself. How can I expect to have a proper relationship with God if I'm lying to myself? I'll tell myself so much that something I'm doing is right and ok, that I'll begin to believe it. It has to stop...

This blog is sort of a mess, I have so many thoughts in my head that I'm having trouble completing them. They're all just fragments of a bigger picture that I'm not quite seeing yet.