Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 21 - Gingerbread, Gingerbread, Gingerbread

The gingerbread that my mom and I made last year.

I can't tell you how glad I am that gingerbread is a Christmas cookie and that this is the only time of year that I have to make it! Don't get me wrong, I love gingerbread, everyone that I know loves gingerbread and it is totally worth it to make it. It is just such a time-consuming cookie to make.

First you have to make the dough, then chill it for four hours. Then you have to roll it and cut it and bake it. Then you have to wait for the cookies to completely cool. Then you have to make the icing with milk, icing sugar and food colouring. Then you have to ice all of the cookies and leave them laid out so the icing can harden. The whole process seriously takes at least ten hours.

This year I am making three batches of gingerbread for various people. Tyler and I don't have a lot of money, but we do have all of the ingredients to make gingerbread. Some people are getting gingerbread for Christmas or as part of their Christmas gift this year.

The first batch that I made I did all in one day last week. This batch was given to my mom, Tyler's dad, Catherine and Lisa. This week I am making two batches to give to my grandparents and aunts and uncles and Tyler's grandparents and aunts and uncles. Instead of doing it all in one day though I am going to spread these two batches over three days.

I made the two sets of dough tonight and I'm going to leave them in the fridge over night. Tomorrow night I am going to cut and bake all of it. On Thursday I am going to ice all if it so that it is ready to go on Christmas Eve when we go to Tyler's grandparent's house.

I love baking and I love eating cookies, it certainly can be time-consuming though!


Just Janet said...

Just one little correction... that picture? YOU made the gingerbread - I just helped you ice them. My attempts at baking usually fail, so I'm going to assume you got your talent from one or more of your grandmothers or great-grandmothers!

Just Janet said...

Oh yes... I almost forgot. I wanted to FYI any of your readers that might wonder... YES! Gingerbread goes really nicely with Extra Dry Red Wine.