Last year, around New Year's, I wrote a post called Goodbye 2009, it listed off some of the things that I did in 2009 and some goals for 2010. Looking back at it, it's shocking to realize that I actually accomplished some of these things!
"I'm going to be taking a sign language class with my friend Amy (hopefully - I have to make sure that they'll still let me register!). I plan on completely editing my novel (from nanowrimo) in the next few months. If I get it done by July 1st they will send me a free paperback copy of it."
I actually did those things! I finished my novel and ordered my free copy (it came out pretty cool looking too!). I finished levels one and two of ASL and had fun doing it. The next class is coming up soon (in the next few weeks). I don't think I really feel up to doing it, but I probably will end up going, just to get it over with.
Some of my other goals were: graduate, move out and start planning my wedding. I only did one of those things. I have made progress on the graduating part though, I am almost done and I'm hoping to finish it completely by my birthday at the end of January. Tyler and I moved out on October first into an awesome apartment. It has been great but definitely an adjustment to what we were used to before. And the wedding...Obviously there were some setbacks on that this year, but I would like to start thinking about a date again soon.
So what have I accomplished this year?
I finished Holding Hands (my 2009 Nanowrimo novel)
I started another novel (tentatively titled Under Ground) and completed more than 50,000 words during the month of November
I completed levels one and two of ASL and got good grades :)
I moved out with Tyler
I flew to Georgia all by myself
Made the decision to take my cat back to my mom's house (and then somehow ended up taking in a kitten less than a week later)
Probably read even more books than the 90 that I estimated for last year
Hosted my first party on Halloween
It doesn't seem like much, but this was a good year. This year was the hardest year of my life. I went through some of the toughest stuff that I've ever dealt with before. But I got through it. I learned a lot about myself, how much I can take and how much I am willing to take. I realize now that I am a strong person.
I'm glad that I went through everything that I did this year though. It changed me and it changed my relationship with Tyler. For the better. Tyler and I are so good now, so strong and I am so so happy. I am so glad that I made the choices that I did and I have no regrets.
What do I want to do it 2011? I dunno, I think I'm just going to live it one day at a time and see where the wind takes me.
1 comment:
Yes, you have accomplished a lot in one year! And you will accomplish just as much, if not more, in 2011. I'm proud of the things that you did, the decisions you made, and the direction your life is taking. I'm happy that you have no regrets about those choices. As a mother, I'll always be thinking about my you and your sister, worrying about you, wondering if you have all that you need... all that you deserve. As long as you're happy though, my dearest Emily, I am happy too.
Love you!
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