Does anyone else not feel like doing anything? Seriously, nothing at all? I don't know if it's because I had to work Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, but I just don't feel up to doing anything. Christmas is supposed to be a break from everything and I guess since it was only one day for me this year, it just didn't feel like that at all.
I didn't feel like being at work yesterday or today. I don't feel like doing laundry or making my bed. I didn't feel like putting the gift bags away or doing to dishes (but I at least did those two!). I don't feel like putting away all of the new stuff that we have now (I did put away at least half of it though). I don't feel like putting the board games back in the very top of the closet or cleaning out my old purse.
I'm looking around and there are a million things that I could be doing right now, but you know what I want to do? I want to sit down and watch I'll Be Home For Christmas with Jonathon Taylor Thomas, so that's what I'm going to do.
The rest of it can wait until tomorrow for once.
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago
You go... sorry - don't go girl...
I know the feeling. I had a "lay-low" myself yesterday - trying to kick a nasty head cold. Feeling much better today, and well on the way to serving this year's Checchia, McCluskey, Franklin, Campbell, Cox Christmas dinner! Hope you're up for it :)
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