Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 16 - Etc.

Ok, extra quick blog tonight, I am right in the middle of icing my gingerbread cookies :).

Got my wisdom teeth out this morning, it was really no big deal. They were busy at the office so I had to wait a half hour to get in for my appointment. When I finally did get in, it took about five minutes to do the freezing and thirty seconds to pull the teeth. Seriously. I felt a bit of pressure and heard a grinding noise and they were out, just like that. One after the other.

My gums kept bleeding for a while after I got home and I went through the gauze that they gave me rather quickly. It finally stopped and I was able to make kraft dinner to eat around 3:00 (I was starving by then!).

After I ate I made the dough for the gingerbread. The dough has to sit in the fridge for at least four hours, so after that I took a nap. I didn't mean to take a nap since I absolutely hate taking naps, but I just fell asleep. Anyway, we woke up when Lisa got here to make Coco Chews for my dad. We made those feeling a little nervous. My Grandma told us that we had to measure very carefully or they wouldn't harden properly. She said that she ruined a batch once and she and my Grandpa had to eat the whole thing (Oh no!). Luckily, they seem to have hardened up just fine.

After that I baked the gingerbread. I was going to wait until tomorrow morning to ice them but I figured I might as well do it tonight so I don't have to get up early tomorrow. So that's where I'm at now. Hopefully these come out alright too!

Goodnight all!

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