Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 10 - Sick Days

I hate sick days. It's ironic that Tyler had Greg and Jen over last night for drinks and to play cards. I didn't drink, yet I was the one who was up at 4:00 this morning throwing up. I guess the sausages that we ate last night didn't agree with me or something. After that, of course I wanted to just brush my teeth and crawl back into bed, but there is business to take care of first. I had to check my blood sugar.

As a general rule, puking makes your blood sugar go up and quite often makes your body produce ketones. Amazingly enough when I checked my sugar, it was 6.7 - perfect. I don't have ketone sticks to test but I wouldn't have bothered anyway with that blood sugar. So I crawled back into bed.

At 8:30 I woke up, still feeling sick I called in to work to let them know that I wouldn't be coming in. I very rarely call in sick and I always feel guilty about it. I always wonder 'did they find someone to cover my shift?' 'Are they short-staffed now?' 'Could I have managed to go into work feeling like this?' I dunno, I always just feel like a jerk.

I went back to bed and got up around ten. My blood sugar was still good so I had some breakfast. At this point I was feeling better so I sat around on the computer until Tyler woke up. After that I fell asleep on the couch for almost three hours. I woke up starving and found that my blood sugar was low, I hadn't had any lunch yet.

I spent most of the rest of the day laying around. Tyler made me take a bath, even though I didn't really want to. I hate bathes, but surprisingly it did make me feel better. After dinner, Andrea came over and we sat around watching old Christmas movies for a bit.

I slept away half of the day but I'm still pretty tired so I'm going to head to bed now :)

1 comment:

Just Janet said...

Glad you're feeling a bit better - hope whatever is was has run its course and you are completely better in the morning. Are you going to have to get a doctor's note?

Sorry, forgot to add this, so I deleted my previous note...
Didn't the nurse give you a scrip for the ketone testing strips? We should probably get that filled and the Glucagon (if that's how you spell it) asap so I can submit the claim in plenty of time before your birthday.

Love you!