Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 25 - Merry Christmas!

Totally short blog tonight. It's been a long day and I am exhausted. It's also 2am and I have to work at 9 tomorrow.

Today was awesome, as Christmas always is. The best thing about this year is how spread out Christmas has been for me. I've been listening to Christmas music and doing baking for the last few weeks so that felt Christmassy to me. I also spent time with my family when my dad was up last weekend and then time with Tyler's grandparents and the rest of his family yesterday and then dinner with my family tonight. We also still have a Christmas get together with my mom on Tuesday night.

Tyler put a lot of thought into the gifts that he got me this year. My stocking was full of candy and hair elastics (which I definitely needed!). He got me a gorgeous purple housecoat that I absolutely love. He also bought us a Nintendo Wii that came with Wii Sports and Super Mario. It's awesome, I know I'll love it even though I haven't really had time to play it yet. I think my favourite thing of all of the gifts that he got me though were the necklace and earrings that he bought me. He said that when he went out he was looking for diamonds. He got me amethysts instead! I love them, the amethyst studs and necklace are very me :)

I bought Tyler the board game Risk, I know he has been wanting it forever. Lisa and Matt came over and we played it. We actually didn't even finish it, we would have been here all night if we had!

Anyway, good night everyone! I hope your Christmases were as awesome as mine. :)

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