Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 12 - Sun Rise

This picture was taken from my balcony - just not today

I absolutely hate getting up early. I don't know how Tyler can get up and walk to work in the dark every morning, it would drive me nuts. The way I see it, if the sun isn't up yet, why should I be? When I walked into the living room and turned the light on, even the cat squinted at me. I hate the early morning. It is always so cold. I know my walk to work in a half our or so will be freezing. It's also wet outside. So much for a snow storm, it's raining. On a normal day I would watch the sunrise, but today I don't think it's going to get very much lighter.

On the other hand, the fact that I'm up early has been helpful. The fact that it's dark let me notice as soon as I walked into the room that I left my battery-powered lights on all night (they are almost dead now, but not quite). It also means that I have time to write my blog before I go to work and now I won't have to worry about it afterwards.

Another benefit of going to work early is that I have an eight hour shift today, but it will feel like five or six because I'll still be half asleep for the first two or three :P

Time to wake up and get on with the day.

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