I am so excited for Christmas! I am also quite excited for it to be over. I feel like I have been going non-stop for the last two weeks or so and I'm looking forward to a well-deserved rest afterwards.
Between decorating, shopping, wrapping, baking and running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I feel like I haven't had much time to do the things that I actually want to do. I haven't written a word of my novel since I hit 50,000 at the end of November.
To be honest I'm looking forward to Christmas and BEDD being over so I can get back into my writing. I'm glad I took this break from it though, it makes me even more excited to get back to it. The characters and the story are still fresh in my mind, but not so deeply engraved that I can't think of anything else the way they were in November.
I feel like I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with this novel so far. I feel like the concept is good, I'm happy with the way the plot is going. On the other hand, I'm worried that there wasn't enough character development at the beginning. I don't think you really get to know my two secondary characters until to far into the story. I also feel like it jumps around a lot. There are boring parts and then there are action! parts, I need to work on the stuff that's in between.
I haven't decided yet how I'm going to tackle my novel yet once January gets here. I don't know if I should go through what I have written so far and try to fix all of that or if I should just keep pushing through until the end and then go back and fix it after. I think it will probably be easier to finish it and they go back and edit it all at once. On the other hand the crap that is in what I have written so far could drive me insane before I am able to finish.
Any suggestions?
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago
1 comment:
In January... when things have calmed down for me as well, I'd be happy to do some "red-pencilling" on the part that's already done, if that would help. I know that's not what you mean by "getting the crap out", but it's all I can think of that I can do to help. Aside from that, I would probably edit now and plough ahead later.
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