Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 18 - Amazing Day

Today was an awesome day. I had to work 11 to 5 and that wasn't so awesome, but I don't even want to talk about that because the rest of the day was so awesome!

Right after work Lisa and Matt picked us up and took us to my Uncle Dan and Monica's new house in Stoney Creek for my Grandad's eightieth birthday party. We ate lasagna for dinner (so simple but so good!) and had cake and ice cream for dessert.

After that my Grandad opened his presents and Lisa and I exchanged gifts with my Dad and Catherine. Catherine loved the bird house and the bird feeder that we got her. My Dad also really liked what we got him. Lisa and I have been talking about it for a while, but we finally got it for him this year. We got a star named for him.

We didn't name it after him though, we named it Fred. When Lisa and I were little, we used to complain because we didn't have a brother. One day my Dad announced that we did have a little brother, his name was Fred and he lived in the closet. It became sort of a family joke, this brother that lived in the closet. My parents had to feed him flat things like ham and toast that they could slide under the door. So anyway, we named this star Fred after our nonexistent brother.

My Dad got me a Sony Ereader! It's a small electronic thing that can hold like 2000 books. It's awesome! The books range from free (!) to like ten dollars. Any book written before 1920 (I think it is) is considered a classic and is free, this means that I can get stuff like...Anne of Green Gables for free! I've been wanting one of these things for years, ever since the Amazon Kindle came out. They were like five or six hundred bucks back then though.

After that, we came back to Hamilton and went to Bottom's Up. Dan Dyer, who is a friend of my Dad's was playing. He is awesome and, as usual, invited my Dad up to play mandolin with him for a few songs. It was so much fun, we went with Lisa and Matt, my Dad and Catherine, my Uncle Dan and Monica and my Uncle Bill and his girlfriend Connie. It was truly a great evening.

My Dad also offered to drive me to work in the morning which is awesome since it is so cold! Anyway, I have to go because I want to mess with this Ereader thing for a little while before I go to bed (which I need to do really really soon!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I notice the time you wrote this... like 3:58AM!!! No wonder you looked like the morning took you by surprise when I picked you up. lol
