Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13 - Snowy Days/Harvey's Funnies

Today was the first really cold, snowy day of the season. The first thing I did when I got to work this morning was announce that I really need to start taking the bus to work. It usually takes me 25 - 30 minutes to walk to work. Today it was closer to 40 minutes in the snow. And it was freezing! No way am I walking all winter. I've been pretty good so far, and I usually even enjoy the walk. But, if it's snowing and freezing, no thank you.

I wasn't the only one feeling the cold weather though. I was on drive-thru today at work and I swear at least a third of the customers had their windows frozen shut. These customers were the nicest ones though it seemed. The all laughed when they got up to my window as they apologized and explained that their windows were frozen. I even had one guy that came through whose whole door was frozen shut. I asked him if I could take his order and there was no answer. I peaked out the window to see if he was another one who was struggling with his window. I looked out in time to see him crawling across his front seat and out the passenger door. He apologized through the speaker and proceeded to order from the other side of his car. For some reason I had no problem understanding this guy, I don't know what is wrong with all these other mumbley people that I can never hear.

One other thing happened at work today. I think this is probably one of the most outrageous things I have ever seen. I had this lady that had a pretty large order. While I was handing her her change I heard her son (who was probably 3) calling that he had to go to the bathroom from the backseat. The lady asked me if our bathroom door was heavy, if her son would be able to open it himself. I explained that the bathroom door wasn't heavy but that the door to get into the store could sometimes be difficult to open, especially in the wind. She told her son that he would have to wait so she could go in with him. I turned around and proceeded to put her order together. I went to hand her the food and saw that he son was now standing outside of the van right next to the window. He was peeing! Right there in the drive-thru, probably on the wall of the store, this kid is peeing! I'm sorry, but what parent allows their child to just whip it out anywhere and pee? I didn't even say anything to the lady, I just handed her the food and told her to have a nice day. But, really! Who does that?

The things you see when you work in fast food, I swear I could write a book! Maybe I will...

1 comment:

Just Janet said...

Oh, you should DEFinitely write a book! :D