Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Not Enough Hours in the Day

Sometimes I really feel like there just isn't enough time to get everything done that I need to do. I know I have blogged about this before, but lately I just find myself feeling overwhelmed with all of the things that I need and want to get done, and I just don't feel like I have enough time or energy to get it all done.

Going to work is one thing, that's my job and I need to do it in order to have money to live. I've even taken on a second job now at the bowling alley where my sister works and I'm glad for it. I think it will be nice to have a change of scenery and have some new faces in my life. It's when I get home that the trouble starts.

Don't get me wrong, Tyler is a big help around the apartment, he helps out whenever I ask him too, but he works long hours too. He almost always starts work at 7 in the morning and I can't blame him if he wants to take a nap when he gets home from work. I like to relax too. But it seems like, by the time we're done eating and doing the dishes there just isn't any time. It is constant work to keep this apartment tidy and I just don't really understand why.

I feel like I pick up after myself as I go, but there always seems to be more work to do. I'm wiping crumbs off the counter, or picking up dirty laundry, cleaning out the litter box or emptying the ashtrays. How do people keep their homes clean and still have time to do the things they want to do?

On top of that, I really wanted to finish my last credit and graduate by my birthday. I've been puttering away at it, I sat down for a couple of hours with it today. I just want to get it over and done with. Once I finish the work though, I'm going to have to find a way to get to Red Hill during the day to write my exam and then go to Hill Park and see if I can get my volunteer hours filled out. Is this something that needs to be done before I'm twenty-one? I don't know. I'm not sure if I will still be classified as a student when I'm twenty-one or if I will still be able to get my diploma from Hill Park. For now I guess I just need to finish my schoolwork and worry about the rest of it when that is all done.

Once all of those things are said and done, there is time left for the things that I want to do. I want to start working on my novel again. The problem is, I want to be able to have a good couple of hours to pound away at it. I don't want to try and pick up where I left off in November with only a few minutes in a day. I want to be able to put real effort into that. I especially need to be able to do that if I'm going to be able to get it finished and edited by the beginning of July so that I can order my free copy of it from CreateSpace.

The thing that sucks the most about all of this, is that I feel like I don't even have time to do all of those things. I find myself thinking "I'll do it later" "I'll just go on facebook for a minute" "I'll just watch one more video on youtube" "I'll just log on quick to check my email". I'm beginning to think that this would all be easier if I didn't have a computer to distract me from the stuff that I really need to be doing. But truthfully, sitting on my butt in front of the computer for a couple of hours, or curling up on the couch with Tyler to watch TV or sitting on the balcony smoking and reading a good book is what I would always rather be doing.

I think maybe what I need to start doing is rewarding myself with the stuff that I really want to do. I've always been the kind of person who would rather get everything done at once so that I can relax afterward, but this doesn't really work. I find myself getting worn out too quickly and just plopping down without finishing everything. Maybe I need to start telling myself "do the dishes before you go for a smoke" "do one hour of schoolwork before going back on facebook" "put the laundry away before you watch TV"

I'm not really sure, maybe I'm just moping and whining here. I just know that something needs to change if I'm going to make time do the things that I want to do as well as all of the unpleasant things that I need to do.

Thank God I don't have any kids! How the hell do people find the time to do all of these things and raise children?!

1 comment:

Just Janet said...

Maybe I need to start telling myself "do the dishes before you go for a smoke" "do one hour of schoolwork before going back on facebook" "put the laundry away before you watch TV"...

This sounds like a really good idea, and I think I'm going to start trying to do that too!

I totally sympathize, Emily. It's not always easy to prioritize what you NEED to do, with what you WANT to do. And then there's the frustration of thinking that you have a few hours to do what you want... then something comes up that prevents it, or that requires immediate attention.

Figuring out what you can put off for another day (like laundry or dusting) and what you can't (like cleaning litter boxes) is part of learning to live on your own. You'll figure it out... trust me!!

And by the way, when you're ready to do your exam, let me know and I'll help you get out to Red Hill to write it, even it means giving you $50 for cabfare!

I'm sure the glut of doctor and dentist appointments that you've had recently and that you have coming up are contributing somewhat to your frustration over lack of time. Which reminds me... please cancel that dentist appointment for the unnecessary crown asap, before it gets forgotten and they end up charging you for a short-notice cancellation!

As far as your book goes... next time you have a day off, set aside a few hours to work on it uninterrupted (let the laundry collect), or spend a Friday evening working on it instead of going out or having people in. It's important for you, individually, and for you and Tyler as a couple to have "down time" and not always be entertaining. It helps get stuff done!

Anyway... all that being said, let me know when you would like to come for "roast everything" and some laundry, okay?

Love you,