I watch a lot of youtube videos. I've become quite addicted to watching people from around the world vlog about their opinions and beliefs. One of the vloggers that I watch often is Dan Brown (username pogobat - check him out! http://www.youtube.com/user/pogobat). He is my age and is very intelligent and aware of political and worldly issues. I've learned a lot from watching his vlogs. In a lot of his earlier vlogs he talks about his beliefs and his opinions about God. As someone who was raised by two pastors you would think that he would be a Christian and have a firm belief in God. He is not.
He is an agnostic. He doesn't belief or disbelieve in God. He believes that it cannot be proven one way or the other that God exists. Here I agree with him. He also says that he has no reason to believe or not to believe in God. Here I disagree.
Everyone can find reasons not to believe. They see starving children in third world countries, homeless people on their streets, wars and people dying to young. But are these really reasons not to believe? I find myself asking the question: how can people look around and NOT believe?
Something as simple as a snowflake that lands on your sleeve in the winter is reason enough. Have you ever really looked at a snowflake? Have you seen how complex and perfectly made it is? I won't give the credit for that snowflake to evolution. I won't give the credit for the birth of a child, a medical miracle, a scientific discovery or the love of a woman for a man or a father to his son to anyone but God.
We can't prove the existence of God, but we can't disprove it either. We can look for many more reasons to believe every day.
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago
Well said, Emily. Well said. The more I take biology in my education and the more I learn about things like evolution the MORE I believe in God because in my mind it just isn't possible or feesable for God NOT to exist when you see the complexity of the world. The next step when you believe is reaching out and having a relationship with Him!
Yeah, I'm not going to say that I disagree with evolution, but I will say that I don't believe that evolution would be possible without the existence of God to push it along.
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