You were a good year!
This year I:
Turned 19
Moved into a house with my mom, her boyfriend and Tyler
Got engaged
Was able to by my own cigarettes and alcohol (legally!)
Wrote a novel in a month
Started working full time
Flew on an air plane without any parents
Didn't get my hair cut a single time (Oh God that needs doing badly!)
Got back in touch with some old friends
Made a Project for Awesome video to help get awareness for one of my favourite charities.
Read approx. 90 books
Watched more youtube videos than is healthy for one person
Goal for this NEW year: Do more stuff!
I mean really, I had a good year and all, but this year I want to do so much more! I want to move ahead with my life and get involved in stuff. I spend most of my free time reading or on the computer. I want to go out and do stuff!
I'm going to be taking a sign language class with my friend Amy (hopefully - I have to make sure that they'll still let me register!). I plan on completely editing my novel (from nanowrimo) in the next few months. If I get it done by July 1st they will send me a free paperback copy of it. But I want to do more!
This year I want to start planning my wedding, I want to move out, I want to graduate high school and start thinking about taking some college courses (anything!) I want to donate money to charity. I want to do it all!
I found a website today. It lets you write an email to yourself and then pick the date that it will mail out. I set it to email to me on January 1st 2012. I'll be almost 22 by the time I get that email. I wrote in it some of my goals, things that I hope I have accomplished by that time. I finished off the email by saying "Don't worry if you haven't done any of this stuff yet, you still have time."
There are a lot of things that I want to do with the time that I have. No one knows how much time they are going to have to get everything done. I want to start trying to get that stuff done in 2010 because I feel like I haven't done much with 2009.
I'm not usually the kind of person who makes New Year's Resolutions, but I guess this year I am. Wish me luck!
You wanted wishes for luck, so... Good Luck! I can do better than that though. I can promise to encourage you to accomplish your goals, and I can urge you to get out more. Let me know what else I can do to help. I'm here for you!
What's the link to that website? The one that lets you E-mail yourself? That's so awesome!
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