Tyler and I broke up. Actually, if you want to get technical, he broke up with me. We made it official on Saturday night, but it all started a week and a half before.
It was a Wednesday night and I had gotten off work a little early so that I could come home and watch American Idol at 8. I came home to find Tyler just sitting in our bedroom. He told me he needed to talk to me. I told him that I didn't want to talk right then, I just wanted to watch American Idol and eat the burger that I had brought home for dinner.
He said we needed to talk. He then proceeded to tell me that although I would probably hate him for what he had to say, it had to be said. He told me that he had spent the last two months trying to fall back in love with me. He told me that he didn't love me and that he was leaving me. He went to stay with his parents that night.
Needless to say, I was devastated. My mom, Claudio and I were also absolutely shocked. I had known that things in our relationship weren't exactly the way that they had always been, but I honestly believed that we were all right. I was, of course, still madly in love with him and I knew that he was still the man that I wanted to marry and have a life with.
We got together the next day to talk things through. We decided together that we were going to try to fix things. We would spend some time alone together (something that we had almost completely stopped doing at this point) and try to just have fun. A way to try and get the "spark" that Tyler had lost back. We went out and built a snowman, we watched a movie, I took him for dinner for his birthday and made him pancakes for breakfast the next morning. I thought it was going pretty well, all things considered.
Tyler came over on Saturday night to pick up some more of his clothes and his DVD player. We went to his parents for a little while after. It was then that he told me that he didn't want to try anymore. He thought that it was hurting us both too much, he didn't want to give me any false hope and it was just too hard for him. He then explained to me that he isn't sure if he ever wants to get married or have kids. Either way, he has decided that he definitely does not want to be with me anymore.
He wanted to still be my friend. The way I see it, at least for now, is that, if he gave up being with me, he gave up the right to be my friend and be involved in my life in any way. At least right now that's how I feel, talk to me in six months and maybe I'll have changed my mind.
I am upset. It feels like a huge chunk of my life and of my future has been torn away from me against my will and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it. But right now, I'm just trying to focus on all of the good things and the good people that I have in my life, so thank you all in advance for your support.
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago