Well, one conversation lead to another tonight and I found myself with some interesting conclusions. That, mixed in with some other thoughts that I had today, left me with this. In a way it's not much, in other ways it's too much. This post is going to jump all over the place, just like the conversation that I had with my mom before I started writing it. Hopefully some sense will come from it.
My first question, to myself and everyone else, is: How do you witness?
This question came up in a conversation about what you have to do to be saved. There will be more about this conversation later (I can tell already that this is going to be a long post - get ready). My mom and I discussed, that among other things, witnessing is one of the things that we must do in order to go to Heaven. I think that this is pretty universally accepted in all denominations of Christianity. The true question is, how do you do it?
Some people take the obvious route, they tell others about God at every possible opportunity. Simply talking about God can work...sometimes. But if you're talking to a strong Atheist, someone who was brought up to believe that religion and God are all fake, what do you do? You can't just automatically start talking to them about God, they aren't going to listen most of the time. How are you supposed to show them what being a Christian is about?
I believe that witnessing doesn't have to be about just talking about God. You can show people the love of Christ just by being nice. Being kind, compassionate and putting yourself in someone else's shoes can be enough. If you are kind to everyone they will notice that there is something different about you, they'll wonder why. Eventually these people will come to you and ask the questions that you wanted to give them the answer to in the first place.
You don't have to go out and knock on doors or shove your beliefs down peoples' throats when they don't want to hear it. It doesn't work. Sometimes you have to let them see you example and come to you first. Maybe they won't come to you, maybe they won't ask you about God and your faith. Maybe they'll emulate your behaviour and become Christ-like without even knowing it. Maybe a subtle approach and a laid-back attitude can bring people closer to God that preaching.
Ok, question number two...I'm not really sure how these two conversations relate. My mom and I were talking about sins and, of course, what you have to do to get into Heaven. This also relates back to a conversation that I had with Andrea a few months back after I wrote my blog about sex.
The conversation that Andrea and I had revolved around what God would think if I had sex with the man that I loved before I married him. From what I remember of that conversation (I'm sorry if I took it the wrong way) Andrea basically told me that God wouldn't condemn me to Hell for deciding to have sex before I'm married. God loves me and wants me to wait, but he isn't going to punish me for all eternity. This is because he loves me. This is something that I needed and was glad to hear at the time.
It also ties in with question number two: Is homosexuality a sin?
Of course, the Bible says it is. The Bible says that we should love the sinner and hate the sin. I agree with that. I just do not believe that homosexuality is a sin. Yeah, I know, it goes against everything that I've been brought up to believe and what a lot of other Christians believe.
Yes, God created men and women to be together, they fit together, so of course that's how they should be. Right? In my opinion, maybe God would rather men and women be together, rather then two men or two women, that doesn't mean it is a sin. I cannot see how a God who preaches love and wants us to love one another can deny two people that love just because they are of the same sex.
I am not gay, but I know people who are. I know people who are in love and happy, just the way they are. Why should we "accept them and hate their sin"? Why can't we accept them and their "sin"? Love is love whether it is for a man or a woman, there is only one love. There are different kinds of love yes, you can love someone and not be in love. But what if the person that you are in love with happens to be of the same sex? Are you supposed to fall out of love with that person? Are you supposed to not act on it? Does not acting upon it really change anything? You still love that person and why would a God who tells you to love not want you to have that?
What if you are a man who is in love with another man, but are not sexually attracted to that man? Is it still a "sin" to be in a relationship with that man if there is no sex, kissing or any other sexual acts? I mean really, gay marriage is legal in Canada, if we're saying that it is wrong to have sex before marriage, what's to stop them once they are married? If they are in love with each other, why not act on it? I don't mean that they should have sex with each other just like that, but if they are married (just like any other couple) and are sexually attracted to each other (just like any other couple) why shouldn't they?
If God isn't going to condemn me to Hell for having sex before marriage, why would He condemn a gay couple who is waiting until marriage to have sex? Why is it wrong for two men or two women to be in love? Are they not both human beings? Do they not both have personalities, feelings and thoughts that another person with the same could love? If a man can fall in love with a certain woman, why can't another woman fall in love with that same woman? And if that isn't wrong, why should they then not act on that love?
I know, controversial topic. This post was supposed to be slightly more thought out and there was actually supposed to be a question number three...It's three in the morning and I honestly can't remember what it was. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow...
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago
God wont condemn you for having sex before marriage if you sincerely ask for forgiveness after the act is done, and truly repent in your heart. God knows your heart.
That doesn't mean however that we can do whatever we want because God wont condemn us to hell for it. God sent His son Jesus to die for all our sin, yes, and if we accept Him as our saviour for doing this, nothing can send us to hell. But living for Christ means trying to live sin-free, which can never be done, but we can't intentionally sin because we know we can get away with it. It says in the Bible not to be sexually immoral before marriage, therefore it is a sin to be sexual before marriage. Therefore people who say they follow Christ try not to intentionally sin (eg. I'll have sex before marriage because God wont condemn me for it, or i'll get drunk tonight because I can just ask for forgiveness later), but we all make mistakes. Sometimes things happen and people do have sex before marriage, and get drunk and lie and cheat and steal. If we recognize our sin and sincerely repent for it then God wipes our slate clean. But as Christ followers we try to become like Christ, who was sin-free.
As for homosexuality, I do believe it is a sin. God made man and woman for each other, and anything other than such is un-natural and not how God intended, and therefore not of God. I'm not condemning gay people and I'm not going to go preach at them, but I do believe that it is a sinful lifestyle choice. That doesn't mean I think the love they share isn't real, but it is un-natural. To be honest I can't really comment too much on the issue because I don't really understand it. You did make a lot of good points that make sense, but I do believe that such a lifestyle is not of God. I can't really provide too much background support on my answer at this time, though. I'll have to give it a bit more thought (it's 3AM and I'm tired!)
Good points though!
I guess it's almost a question of what is sinful and what is not. There is no definitive answer. There isn't exactly a list (well, I guess there is kind of in the bible), there isn't exactly a list full of details that says what is sin and what is not. A lot of it is instinct, what is morally right and what isn't.
I mean yes, of course you can ask for forgiveness and repent if you truly believe what you are doing or have done is wrong. But what if you don't think it was wrong? What if it was intentional and you don't believe that it was a mistake? You can't ask for forgiveness then if you have full intention of doing it again.
I think that times have changed since the bible was written. I'm not just saying this to give myself peace of mind for even considering pre-marital sex. A lot of things have changed in the last 2000 years and I'm sure that God understands that. A lot of our instruction and belief comes from a book that was written more than 2000 years ago. How could God have told us in that one book everything that we need to know? He has left a lot of things up to us to decide and figure out.
Maybe I will burn in Hell for the opinions that I have or the decisions that I make. I'm thankful to God that I have the freedom and the ability to make decisions for myself and to form my own opinions.
I'm not trying to sin or allowing myself too. I'm living my life the best way that I can and God knows that too. There is sometimes a fine line between what is sinful and what isn't and I don't think that being gay is.
It's ok that you guys don't agree with me though, I'm glad that God gave you the ability to form your own opinions too. :)
It doesn't really matter if you think it is a sin or not, if God says it is, then it is.
I used to think that smoking pot wasn't a sin, so I would do it anyway. But then I realized it is, and as much as I may have wanted to continue in that lifestyle, I was obedient to God and stopped.
The same thing goes for pre-marital sex. It says specifically in the Bible that pre-marital sex is wrong and a sin. I can give you all the reasons why it is a sin but that isn't my point. God knows better than anything our human minds can imagine and simply put, it is a sin, 2000 years ago and today.
One part of being a Christ follower is obeying God and His word. You can't pick and choose which things you'd like to follow and which things you don't because its inconvenient for you.
It is a stuggle for me to abstain from pre-marital sex. I want to have sex. But God tells me that sex before marriage is wrong and therefore as a Christ follower I need to obey that and discipline myself to follow that. And I understand the reasons why its wrong. But as much as I want to do it, I don't because I have made a decision to lay down my life for Christ and follow His commandments.
It says in the Bible that homosexuality is wrong and un-natural. It still is. Such God made it. He's not condemning and hating people who are gay, He loves them unconditionally. But mankind is allowed to make their own choices, and there is nothing that God chooses to do about that.
God laid down His laws and commandments in the Bible as His word for us to use and guidelines for life, if you will. God already knows the way the times will change and already knows the way the world will run its course. If God wanted there to be gay people he would not have created two genders that "fit" so perfectly well together.
If you choose to have sex before marriage, i will not agree with it. But I will still love you just the same as I did before and I will not preach at you and tear you down. That is not something I would choose for my life, given God's Word, but if that is something you would choose for yourself, well that is ultimately your decision.
I pray that God would speak through my words, and I hope it gave you some insight too :) Having discussions about things is fun!
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