Why is it that so many people just do whatever they want with no consideration for anyone else? Do they think that the world revolves around them, that the rest of us should change our lives and schedules to fit into theirs?
All I wanted to do today was come home, do my laundry, and start packing to go to Georgia on Wednesday. But no! Inconsiderate people strike again!
I didn't throw my laundry in when I first got home because it was 11am and I figured "Hey, I've got all day!" Wrong! I finally went upstairs at about 3 to check and see if the machines were available or not. We only have two washers and two dryers, so often you may have to wait half an hour to use one. There was a load in one the washers that had 17 minutes left on it so I decided to go back downstairs and come back up in like 45 minutes when the load would be half-way through the dryer cycle.
So I come down and sit around doing nothing (played a little Roller Coaster Tycoon)for a little less than an hour before venturing back up to the laundry room around 4:30. To my surprise, the load is still sitting in the washer! Leaving a load in for 5 or 10 minutes is one things, but this was like 45! I mean really, there are probably 100 people in this building sharing two washers and dryers! Why would you leave you laundry sitting in there for that long in the middle of a Sunday afternoon?
Ok, yeah, maybe I'm overreacting. It's just laundry right? The thing is, if I can't get my laundry done tonight, I'm going to have to come home after work tomorrow night and I had planned to go to the mall with Tyler to get my dad a Father's Day gift.
On top of that there are two kids right outside my bedroom window (like seriously right outside!) that have been there for about an hour or so. They're maybe like twelve and they live in the building next door. Anyway, they've been throwing a basketball into the wall above my window and being really loud for a while now. I was tempted to go outside and yell at them, but I opted to open my window and turn my music up in the hopes that they would get the idea. So far it hasn't worked.
So here's my question? Do people do these things because they really are that selfish? Or did someone honestly forget about their laundry? Do these kids think that I can't hear them inside my apartment? Somehow I don't think so, but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago
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