Ok, so I had originally decided that I wanted to wait awhile to go and see the Twilight movie. I didn't want to get mixed up with the Twihard fangirls and the crowds. I was going to try and watch it on the internet. I spent a good hour trolling around today trying to find it with no luck. I guess its really too soon since it just came out yesterday. Then I started thinking, if I watch it on the internet, not only is it illegal but it would be really really bad quality because it would be filmed in the theatre.
So, Tyler and I are going to see it tomorrow night. We're going to a late show (9:50pm) in hopes of avoiding the crowds. Frank and Josie might come with us, I'm not sure yet. I'm waiting for Tyler to call and let me know so I can buy our tickets online. I'm pretty excited to see it.
I've heard a lot of stuff about it already. Some people are saying that its really good. Other's are saying its terrible. I've heard that its cheesy and that its so bad that its good. I'm scared that its going to be bad haha. Actually I'm scared that I'm going to like it and everybody else will hate it. That's what happened when we went to see the Spiderwick Chronicles. I think I probably will like it though, its supposed to be really close to the books. We'll have to see.
I still haven't done my stupid door to door canvassing yet. Lisa said that I can go probably a week or two into December though and she'll drop it off at the Diabetes Association for me because the restaurant that she works at is right near it. I've raised $33 so far from friends and a few people from work. I was saying to Jodi the other day, I'm going to be really pissed if I do my routes and nobody from any of the houses donates. What a waste of time that would be.
As for my Nano, I wrote maybe 2000 words this whole week. Haha! I'll be lucky if I even make 25000 let alone 50000. Oh well, next year I'll have to plan better.
Anyway, I guess that's it. My life is really boring...
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