The first one is Nanowrimo. I really wanted to do it last year, but I forgot about it until it was really too late to start. This month I started right away on November 1st and did well for the first couple of days. About four days in I realized that my story wasn't going to work, it wouldn't end up going anywhere and I had to start completely over again.
Its not like I have trouble with the writing or even getting my word count up, its finding the time to write that creates the problem. I wish that I could write every day, if I could I would probably be ahead right now instead of 5000 words behind. I've been working so much these past few weeks and spending at least three or four night a week at Tyler's. I can't write when I'm over there so its difficult.
The other thing...I signed up back in September to go door to door raising money for the Canadian Diabetes Association. I was supposed to receive my kit in the mail...but it never came. I finally got it on Friday and now I have less than half of the month to get my two routes (and probably more if I want to get all of my volunteer hours done) finished. This is something that I really wanted to do when I signed up for it, but now it seems like a pain in the ass. I was going to go out today and do it, but now its raining so I'll probably have to go out next week after work sometime.
On top of everything else, I have the cold from hell. Stuffy noise, fever, sore throat, cough and all the rest. I should probably go to the doctor, but with working 11-5 (or later) Monday-Friday, it doesn't leave me time to go unless I go before work.
Anyway, I should really go...I have 5000 words to write in...2 and a half hours.

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