I can't believe it's already the 19th! It's gone by so fast. I feel pretty good about my novel right now. I'm actually 1201 words ahead right now...which is good because I have to work the next three days. I want to try and stay a little bit ahead for the next week and hopefully have the whole 50000 written by the end of the 29th.
I've really enjoyed writing this novel so far. I think it might be a little while before it's ready for anyone to read it though. It will probably take me as long to edit it as it has to write it. That doesn't mean that it's going to take me a month though - I don't plan to spend two hours a day editing!
My characters had a bit of an unexpected crisis happen today - I just decided it was going to happen one scene before it did! They'll make it through though. I left off writing for the day at the beginning of the scene. I find it's easier to sit down and write if I already know what is about to happen, if I'm in the middle of something. It will pretty much give me enough words to fill up my count for tomorrow and maybe saturday as well.
After that, there isn't much more until it's finished! I have 32874 words right now. That's the most I've ever written of one thing! It's almost 11000 more words than I wrote of my novel last year. I am so determined to finish it this year! I only have 17126 words left to write!
My ending is clear-cut as well. I had the ending of this story planned out before I even started writing. I have reconsidered what I have planned a few times, but I always go back to my original plan - even if I might hate myself for it!
I realize that this post probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I don't want to actually give away any plot points in case any of you actually ever read my novel. I want everything to hit you when you read it, I don't want anyone to know what happens before it does!
Wish me luck with my last 17000 words! It doesn't feel like too much compared to what I've already written...but it does feel like a lot to write in eleven days. :)

You can DOOOOOOO it!! I have faith in you, and I know first hand what a determined person you are. You are the reason I coined the term "stick-to-it-ive-ness". Can't wait to read it!
I'm really excited to read it!! And I'm really proud oof you for sticking through, I definitely couldnt do it! ha!
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