For some reason, I seem to do some of my best thinking in the 10 or 15 minutes that I spend on the bus on the way home, on the way to work and on the way to Tyler's. Yesterday morning I was riding the bus to work and it was REALLY crowded. I was sitting near the back in one of the seats that was facing backwards and listening to my ipod.
Sitting like that and not being able to hear anyone else is a strange feeling. I didn't realize how crowded it was until I turned in my seat to watch for my stop and realized that if a bunch of people didn't move out of my way I wouldn't be able to even get off the bus.
It's a weird feeling to know that even in a crowd you can feel like you're alone. I mean, sometimes it's a good thing, if you want to be alone, you can tune out the rest of the world. But what if you don't want to be alone? What if you spend so much time alone that you end up feeling alone all the time? Even in a huge crowd...
I like to tune out the rest of the world sometimes though. I turn my music up when I'm on the bus and ignore the people around me. Those few short minutes that I have to myself in the morning before a long shift at work are refreshing and very much needed on some days. I found myself thinking about the different music that I listen to while I'm on the bus.
Once I really got thinking, I noticed some trends. While I'm on my way to Tyler's I'll probably be listening to music that I really enjoy, like The Fray, The Offspring, Our Lady Peace or Three Days Grace, something like that. On the way to work I'll listen to stuff like Hillsong, Bethany Joy Galeotti or even the RENT soundtrack. On my home from work I'm more likely to listen to Slipknot or Korn.
It got me thinking about how music effects my mood and how my mood effects my music choice. I mean, if I'm going to Tyler's, I'm going there to just hang out and relax, so I'll listen to whatever music I feel like, usually something that I really enjoy. Whereas, when I'm going to work I'll listen to calming Christian music or slow, quiet singing. At these times, I know that I'm probably going to have a long day ahead of me. On the way home I'll listen to heavy, angry music after a long and rough day.
The question is though, am I calm because I'm listening to that calming music or am I listening to it because I already am? How much does the music effect me and how much effect do I have on the music?
Wow, all of that was REALLY random, I think I need to go to bed or something.
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