It's been forever since I wrote a blog! More on that later though, first I want to talk about my novel :).
I decided to do Nanowrimo very last minute this year, actually about 10pm on November 1st. I'm writing a fantasy adventure quest-type novel. It's very different than anything I've ever written before and I'm having a lot of fun writing it. I think I'm doing better this year than I was at this point last year, I'm still enjoying it most of the time. I remember forcing the words out a lot during the second half of the month last year, I don't see that happening so much this year.
I think part of what is making it easier is that I've decided it's going to be a series. There is no way that this story as I want it to be is going to be done after 50,000 words. It is either going to be a much longer novel or a series. I'm not sure if I will wait and write the second book for Nano next year, not sure how well that would go.
Anyway, the other reason that I'm writing is about blogging. I know that when I'm done with Nanowrimo, I'm not going to want to deal with my novel again right away. I will probably wait until January to start editing. The thing is, I don't want to get out of the practice and routine of writing, so I'm going to be blogging.
I've heard of something called BEDA, or Blog Every Day in April. I want to try this, but I don't want to wait until April. I'm going to do it in December I think. I'm going to try to blog every day in December. I'm not sure how interesting these blogs will be, but I hope that some of you will want to read some of them.
Anyway, that's it for now, I want to try and get ahead with my word count today so that I don't have to worry about the novel too much tomorrow (I'm working 12 to 8).
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago