I've read a bit on the internet today about abortion and it got me thinking. Where do I stand on the issue? Up until this point I had mixed feelings on the issue. I still do...let me try to explain.
I am pro-life, for me. I would never have an abortion myself, even in the event of a rape pregnancy. I believe that life begins at conception, not at birth. This means that unborn babies should have human rights. In my opinion. While my beliefs make it impossible for me to fathom having an abortion, I can understand why other woman can.
Many women are not emotionally equipped to deal with having a baby that is the result of rape or incest. These woman, if forced to continue with the pregnancy, may end up killing themselves, or doing permanent psychological damage to themselves and their child. While I do not agree with abortion, I can't stop someone who does not agree with me from doing what they think is right.
This sounds terrible...let me try to explain again. If I believed that life happened at birth and not at conception, I would believe that these fetuses could feel no pain, that they didn't have souls. If this were the case, I would have no problem with abortion. Although I know that this is not true, many women do not. I cannot force my opinions on them and make them change their minds.
I am pro-life, but I believe that women should have a right to choose, if there are special circumstances. If the woman was raped or carrying the baby to full term could put her own life in danger, I can see why they would want an abortion. I don't agree with their decision, but I can understand why they made it.
This is my opinion ONLY for these special circumstances. Abortion is not and should never be just another form of birth control. There are tests that can be done now to find out if the child will have any disabilities. In some countries it is legal to abort these babies. This is wrong on so many levels. Just because someone is disabled does not mean we have the right to end their life.
Another thing that I read that disgusted me was late term abortions. With this kind of abortion, the baby is too developed to just be 'sucked out'. A doctor must actually pull the baby out of the uterus and then crush its skull to terminate it. This is murder. When you hold someone's head in your heads and crush it, you are killing it, whether it has been born or not.
Abortion disgusts me and it makes me miserable just thinking about it. While it is something that I hate and would never do myself, I can understand why some women would feel the need too.
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago